Chapter 8

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*Knock knock*

I ran over to the door and opened. Niall stood there with a big smile on his smile and a pink teddy bear in his hands. "Hi." I said.

"Hi." He replied. "You ready to tell my parents?" He asked as he entered my house.

"Kind of.." I replied. "I'm not sure."

"Well, don't be scared. They won't be mad, I promise."

"Daddy!" Darcy said happily and ran over to Niall. He gladly picked her up and gave her a hug.

"Look what I brought you." He said and gave her the teddy bear.

"A teddy bear!" She cheered and hugged the teddy bear. "Thank you, Daddy!"

"No problem, princess. Anything for you." He said and kissed her forehead. He put her back on the ground and then turned to me. "Before we tell my Mum and Dad, I want the lads to know."

"You want them to know before your parents?"

"Yeah, and they wanted me to come over now anyways, so.." He said.

"Okay, we'll tell them first." I agreed. "But we can't stay too long."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I just don't wanna. I wanna be home on the couch and watch TV with Darcy." I replied. "She likes to watch TV."

"Maybe she got it after you?"

"Oh, please. When we were 15, all we did was lay on the couch watching TV while eating chips. You have nothing you should've said." I said and pointed at his nose.

"Yeah, you're right." He said while chuckling.

"I'm always right." I said and smiled. Niall smiled too. For a moment, we just stood there looking into each other's eyes. Suddenly, he started leaning in. I started panicking and just turned around while saying; "Let's just go to tell the lads, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." He said. I picked up Darcy and then turned to look at him.

"Listen, I don't want you to take this the wrong way." I told him. "I just don't want to rush things, you know."

"I understand." He said. "I wouldn't want to rush things if I was you either."

"Let's go then." I said and grabbed my purse.

"Where are we going?" Darcy asked.

"We're gonna meet my mates." Niall replied. "Mate is another word for friend."

"Where are they?" She then asked.

"In a hotel not far away from here." He said as we sat in the car. I had already out Darcy in her seat, and was now sitting in the passanger seat while Niall started the car. Tahlia was still asleep, so she hadn't gotten a chance to take the car yet.

Niall didn't bring a car here, because he walked. He called me earlier today and told me he was walking because Greg had used his car so he could go to work. Denise had taken his car to take Theo to the doctor. He apparently broke his arm. Poor little boy.

"We're here." Niall said as he stopped the car. We got out of the car and I walked over to where Darcy sat. "I'm just gonna send them a text so they know I'm here."

"Do they know that me and Darcy are coming too?" I asked.

"Nah, they think I'm the only one coming." He replied. I unbuckled Darcy from her seat and picked her up. I then let her stand on her own feet and grabbed her hand.

Little Angel // niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now