Chapter 30

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"I'm sorry to hear that.." Aunt Stina said as I finished the story about Niall and I's break up. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want."

"Thank you.." I said and smiled a weak smile at her. "I'm gonna try find a place to stay, but I don't know how long it'll take, though."

"I'll help you find a place if you want to?"

"That'd be nice." I said and smiled. "But I have something to do.. Tahlia called me and said she wanted to talk to me, so I better go call her back."

"Okay, I'll make you some food while you call her." She said as I headed up the stairs and into the guest room I always stay at when I'm here. I sat down on the little bed in the room and dialed Tahlia's number.

"Amy, I'm so glad you called.." Tahlia said as she picked up. "I wanna talk to you about Jason.."

"About Jason?" I asked. "What about him?"

"We broke up.."

"What? Why?"

"He cheated.." She replied. I heard her sobbing, and I felt sorry for her. She got cheated on just as me. I know what she's going through, and it doesn't feel good.

"I swear to god I'll kill that little prick when I see him." I muttered. I know Tahlia left me without even saying a word to me, but right now Tahlia is the only friend I have. The boys, El, Perrie and my relatives doesn't count. I won't see the boys, El and Perrie so much anymore, and my relatives just doesn't count as friends.

"Can I ask you something, Amy?" Tahlia asked me.

"Of course." I replied.

"Why are being so nice to me after I left you the way I did? I was a terrible friend, but you're still acting like a friend to me.."

"Well, you know.. You've been my bestfriend for so long, and it seems like you always will be." I replied. "You helped me with Darcy all these years, and I'm thankful for that too."

"I'm sorry I left you that way.." She said in a low voice.

"It's okay. Let's just forget about this, right?" I said.

"Yeah.." She replied. "By the way, I heard you and Niall got together again? How's things going between the two of you?"

"We.. Well, we broke up less than an hour ago." I replied. I could feel the tears coming. "He cheated on me.. Just like Jason did to you."

"He did what?!" Tahlia shouted. "No one hurts my bestfriend like that! No one!" She yelled. "I'm gonna murder him in his sleep.. Well, how did Darcy react to this?"

"I.. I don't know.." I replied. "She's with her dad.. I let Niall have her."


"Because.. I just felt like she would like to spend more time with her dad? He's only known her for a month, so I bet he would like to know her a bit better.."

"Don't you think she will miss you?"

"Yeah, I do.." I replied. "But Niall will handle her.. She'll forget when she gets older. Niall will probably find a girl, make Darcy think she is her mummy, and then they will be happy."

"What about you?"

"I will find a guy, and then start a new family.."

"That isn't fair towards Darcy." She said. "You're just leaving her, Amy. She loves you! You've been taking care of her since the day she was born, and you don't even know how much you mean to her! Everytime I would babysit her she would ask me where you were and when you were coming back. She would even start crying if you were gone for too long!"

"Why.. Why did you never tell me this?"

"I don't know.. I maybe never thought about telling it to you, I guess."

"Well, I'm feeling bad for leaving Dracy behind.. But I just think it'll be better for me to have some time without a little kids running around, you know.. And Niall probably won't mind having her around."


"Where is Darcy now?" Liam asked me.

"She's with Paul.." I replied. "Do you think you can go get her for me? I wanna talk to her."

"Sure." He replied. Him and Louis stood up and headed out of the room. Louis had been giving me glares and weird looks the whole time him and Liam have been here. He's been quite rude to me, but I can understand him. I don't normally slap the girl I love because I cheated on her.. Wow, I really am a douche. I can tell why she left me.. Again.

"Daddy!" I heard Darcy's little voice say as the door opened. She came running in the door and over to me. Her tiny arms wrapped around my legs, and I knelt down to her. I gave her a tight -not too tight- hug and then sat down on the bed again. I placed Darcy on my right knee and she smiled bright at me.

Louis and Liam weren't in the room, so they probably figured out I wanted to talk to Darcy alone.

"Where is mummy?" Darcy asked when she noticed Amy wasn't here.

"She, uhm... She left." I replied to her.


"I'm gonna tell you the truth, Darcy.." I started. "I hurt your mummy.. I kissed another girl in front of her, and she got mad and left me.. us. She left us. But don't worry, she still loves you. She loves you more than anything, and she told me to tell it to you."

"Mummy won't be here anymore?" Darcy asked and her smile faded as I gave her a nod. "But.. I want mummy.."

"I'm sorry, princess." I said and gave her a hug. "All of this is my fault, and I'm so so sorry.. If I wouldn't have messed she would still be here."

"Then why did you hurt mummy?"

"I don't know.." I replied. "I didn't think, and I just wish I could take it all back.. Your mummy means so much to me, and I really didn't want to lose her. But I promise you, I will do anything to get her back. Then we can all be a family again."

"I love you, daddy." Darcy said and wrapped her arms around my neck. It felt so good to have my little daughter tell me that. It made my heart warm, and it meant so much to me when she said it.

"I love you too, princess.. So very much."


so what did ya think? good or bad? ugh, doesn't matter !

i think i'll update one more time today, idk.. maybe

sorry for spelling mistakes!

- sarah xx

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