Chapter 26

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We were now on the album release, and the lads were getting ready for their speeches backstage. Darcy and I had seats on the front row.

"When is Daddy's speech?" Darcy asked.

"His speech is after the other lads' speeches. He wanted to go last." I replied. Then a man I didn't know who was came on the stage. Everybody started clapping, so I just did the same.

The man started speaking, but I didn't really pay attention. I was too busy thinking about what will happen after Niall tell the world about Darcy. What if they don't like her? What if they don't like Niall being a dad and stop being fans?

I shook away the thoughts and looked back up at the stage. The man had gotten of the stage, and Louis was making his way to the microphone.

He started speaking, but I didn't really pay attention now either. I just wanted it to be Niall's turn so he could tell the world about Darcy, and then we would't have to worry about that anymore.

The otehr lads had their speeches too, but I didn't pay attention to any of them. When Zayn -who had his speech right before Niall- went off the stage, I started paying attention. I watched every single move he did, and so did Darcy.

"Hello, I'm Niall." He said and looked down at the cards he had in his hands. I guess that was some kind of cards that would make him remember what to say. "First of I want to thank everybody for the support we get that has helped us get this far. We never thought any of this would happen, but look at us now! The world's biggest boy band.. It's unbelievable." He said and smiled to himself. God, he's just so cute sometimes. "I have one more thing to say.. I want to dedicate this album to two of my favorite girls in the world; Amy Shay, my fiance," The crowd went wild when he said that even though it was just business people in here. "Wait, I'm not done yet! And the second girl I want to dedicate this album to is Darcy, my beautiful little daughter." The crowd went even wilder. "It's her birthday today so remember to say it to her! She's here on the front row!"

"Daddy!" Darcy shouted in a happy voice and got out of her seat. She ran towards the stage, and Niall helped her up. I just sat there smiling at how cute they were. How did I even get so lucky?


"That speech was beautiful, Niall." I told Niall as he came off the stage with Darcy in his hands.

"You really think so?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. "Oh, and before I forget; I asked Paul if he could babysit Darcy during the party, and he said yes."

"That's good." I replied. "When does the party start?"

"Now." He replied. "Paul is meeting us outside, so come on." He said. He grabbed my hand and held Darcy in his other hand. Together we headed outside.

"How long is the party?" I asked Niall.

"3 hours." He replied. "We will be back late, but Paul is letting her stay the night with him."

"Good." I said. Paul was standing by the limo, so we walked over to him.

"Take good care of her." Niall said and handed him Darcy. "Don't let her eat too much candy, and no staying up after 8."

"Niall, don't worry. He got this." I said.

"I'm just being protective!"

"Over-protective if you ask me.." I muttered.

"I just don't want anything to happen to my little princess." He said.

"She'll be fine." I said. "He probably got this."

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