Chapter 11

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"Why haven't you told the other guys?" I asked Niall. He just shrugged. "They are your best friends. They deserve to know. They've been serving you food and have been trying to talk to you for 4 days. You can't just shut them out!"

"I just didn't feel like telling them.." He said while looking down in his lap.

"But you feel like telling me?"

"I trust you more than I trust them, Amy." He said. "I've known you since I was 2, and you were only 1. Who do you think I trust the most? The person I've known for 19 years or the lads I met at X-Factor 4 years ago?"

"They still deserves to know." I said. "They've been here for you. The least you can do is at least tell them thank you whenever they stand up for you. I can't believe you're that selfish." I got up from the couch and headed towards the door. I took one last glance behind me to see Niall had his head in his hands while he was shaking his head.

I quickly headed out of the door and started walking towards the elevator. "Amy, wait!" I heard Harry shout from behind me. I stopped and turned around. "How'd it go?"

"He told me what's wrong, and now Niall and I aren't talking anymore." I replied.

"Why not?"

"Because he's a selfish jerk." I said. "You guys have been here for him the past 4 days, and he hasn't even said thank you. That's what I call selfish."

"You don't need to be mad at him for that." He said. "We all do this for each other when we're in a bad mood. The same thing happened to Liam when Danielle broke up with him. He didn't talk to us for 2 weeks, but we still cared for him. We wasn't mad that he didn't say thank you. We know he is thankful that we're helping us like this. Niall is just our little, innocent boy who needs our help right now, and that's exactly what we're gonna do. To help him."

"Wow.." I breathed out. "I didn't know you could be this wise. Last time I saw you, you didn't know the difference between a balloon with normal air in it and a helium balloon."

"Puberty happened." He said. "And Liam happened. He made me wise."

"How did he manage to do that?"

"He and Danielle made me watch Pretty Little Liars until I was wise enough to understand all things that happened. It took me 2 weeks, but I finished season 3. Now I'm just sick of that show." He replied.

"He seriously made you watch that to get wise? How is that even possible?"

"You have to remember things that has happened before. Plus, there is a lot of logic in there. You have to think logic to understand everything, you know." He replied.

"I never knew you could be this smart.." I said.

"It's been 3 years, and I've learned a lot on these 3 years." He said. "I learned how to avoid people fainting when they see you."

"And how do you do that?" I asked him.

"That's a secret." He said just as the door to Liam and Zayn's room opened. Niall came out and started walking towards us.

"I think I'll just go." I said and turned around. I started walking towards the elevator and was about to walk in it when I heard Niall talking to Harry.

"Hey, Harry? Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked him. Harry didn't say anything so I bet he just nodded. "Thank you for being here for me the last 4 days. It means a lot to me, and sorry for not telling you guys everything. Amy talked to me about me being selfish, and I realised that I am selfish. I never care for anybody than myself, and-" I could hear him saying that last sentence so I cut him off as I turned around.

"That's not true, Niall." I said as I started walking towards them. "You care for people around. You care for both me and Darcy, and I'm thankful for that. Just please don't say you don't care about people around, 'cause you do, and that's one of the things I like about you."

"I'll leave you guys alone." Harry said and knocked on the door to Louis' room. The door soon opened and he headed inside it.

"I'm sorry for calling you selfish.." I said. "Harry and I talked, and he said some pretty wise words."

"No, I'm the one who should apologise. I should've told the the truth, and I should've at least said thank you. You made me realise that I'm selfish, and I wanna change that." He said.

"Don't make things hard, Niall." I said. "But if we're gonna talk, can we at least go inside a hotel room? I'm wearing a pajamas and you smell like a dinasour farted on you."

"Well, thank you, Ms. Grumpy pants." He said as we started walking towards the hotel room. "Shit, I forgot the key card."

"Just ask Liam if he can give it to you, then." I suggested.

"He doesn't have it either. It's in the hotel room." He replied. I started laughing at him until he said; "Let's just go to your place."

"But you smell. I don't want dinasour farts in my house."

"Then I'll stop my Dad's house and shower." He said.

"You know you can just bring some clothes and just shower at my place? Then I don't have to wait down there with your Dad who I haven't spoke to in 3 years. It would just be awkward."

"Maybe that's a good idea." He replied.

"Then let's do it." I said. We headed to the elevator and went down to the lobby. When we came to the lobby, there was lots of girls outside the hotel. "Why are these girls here?" I asked.

"Oh, shit. I forgot we were having an interview soon. I have to go back up to Louis' room, because I have the clothes I brought there, but I promise I'll visit you as soon as the interview is over."

"Okay. I'll see you then." I said and smiled. He walked closer to me and grabbed my hand before leaning in and kissing my forehead.

"See you later." He said before letting go of my hand and then running back to the elevator. I smiled to myself before walking towards the hotel entrance. I headed outside and made my way through the crowd until a girl around 12 stopped me.

"Are you and Niall together again? I saw him kiss your forehead." She asked.

"No, we're just friends." I replied.

"Oh, okay." She replied and the walked over to a lady I bet was her Mum. She smiled at me and I smiled back before I headed over to my car and sat in it.

This is it.. I thought. I have officially fallen for Niall Horan all over again.


I'll either post one more chapter today, or one after I eat diner tomorrow.

- Sarah xx

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