Chapter 38

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Wanda's P.O.V:

I was leaning on my brother while Edward drove us to a restaurant. Pietro pulled me closer and smiled. "I'm still here," Pietro said to me. I nodded and looked out the window. Edward pulled into an Italian restaurant called, 'La Bella Italia.'

Edward didn't say anything as he opened the door for me and my brother. Pietro nodded at him and then looked at me. He gently grabbed my hand and I could hear his thoughts. <Do you mind if I talk to Alice and Jasper for a few minutes> He asked.

I gave him a smile in return to let him know I didn't mind. Pietro let go of my hand and walked over to Alice and Jasper. I moved over to Edward and he gently took my hand in his. His thoughts flooded into my head and I had to block them out.

The restaurant wasn't crowded- it was the off-season in Port Angeles. As we entered, a female hostess came up to us. Her eyes took in everything about Edward and Jasper. I noticed Jasper tense so I gently put a hand on his arm, calming him and taking his hunger.

I noticed that Jasper instantly relaxed once I touched him. "How many?" The hostess asked. I glanced at her nametag and saw her name was Amanda. "5. May we have two tables in a more private setting?" Edward asked as he handed her a tip.

"O-of course," Amanda said as she led us to the back. "How's this?" She asked as there were two tables side by side each had four chairs. "Perfect," Pietro said as he smirked at the girl. I rolled my eyes at this but said nothing.

"Your server will be right." The girl said as she walked away. Jasper pushed the tabled together while Alice moved the chairs. Edward walked over to a chair and pulled it out for me. "Thank you," I said as I sat down.

Pietro did the same for Alice before taking a seat next to me. Edward sat across from us with Alice and Jasper. Just then, the server walked out with an expectant look on her face. The hostess had told her and this new girl didn't look disappointed.

She flipped a strand of jet black hair behind her ear and smiled. "Hello. My name is Amber and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?" She asked. I didn't miss the fact that she was talking directly to the guys.

Edward looked at me and smiled. "I'll have a Dr. Pepper," I said. "5 Dr. Peppers," Pietro said as he looked at the others. They nodded at this. "I'll be right back with that," She assured the boys as she walked off.

Edward hadn't taken his eyes off of me since we got here. "Vhat?" I asked. "How are you feeling?" Edward asked me. "I'm fine," I replied. "You don't feel dizzy, sick, or cold?" Jasper asked as he looked at Pietro and then at me.

"Should ve?" Pietro asked. The three of them laughed slightly at his answer. "Well, I'm actually waiting for you to go into shock," Edward said as he gave me a crooked smile. "I don't think that vill happen," Pietro said.

"Ve have alvays been good at repressing unpleasant things," I said. "Just the same, we'll feel better once you two have some food in you," Alice said. As if on cue, the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked Edward. "Wanda?" Edward asked me. The waitress turned unwillingly to me. "I'll have the 5 cheese ziti," I said. "I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs," Pietro said. The waitress then turned to Jasper.

"Nothing for me," Jasper said. "Me either," Alice said once the waitress turned to her. The waitress looked at Edward but he wouldn't look away from me. "Nothing for me." He said. Amber huffed and walked away, dissatisfied.

"Drink," Edward said. I grabbed my drink and took a sip. I sighed in pleasure while the sugary liquid slid down my throat. I shivered slightly as the cold hit me. Alice shrugged off her red shawl and handed it to me.

I smiled at this as I wrapped it around my shoulders. "That color of red looks lovely on you," Edward said as he watched me. I smiled at this. Alice pushed the basket o breadsticks towards Pietro. "Thanks." He said as he grabbed one.

"Ve're not going into shock," I said as I grabbed a breadstick. "You should be. Any normal person would be. You two don't even look shocked." Edward said. "I vish ve could say that was the most horrible thing ve have ever gone through," I said.

Edward cocked his head at that. "What do you mean?" He asked. I just turned away from him and looked down. Amanda showed up with our food and set it down in front of me and Pietro. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can get you?" The waitress asked as she smiled flirtatiously at Edward and Jasper.

"No. Thank you." Edward said not even glancing at her. I pursed my lips at her actions but said nothing. I started eating as Edward stared at me. Pietro was wolfing down his food. "You should slow down. You could choke." Jasper said.

Pietro stopped and looked him in the eye. He then looked down at his food and started eating faster. I rolled my eyes at my twin's behavior. Pietro finished first and then looked at me. I had only taken a few bites but I was already full.

"Here," I said as I pushed my food towards him. He smiled at me lightly and started eating my food also. We sat there in silence while Pietro finished my food. "Are y'all ready to go?" Jasper asked as he laid a hundred dollar bill on the table.

All of us nodded and we exited the restaurant. We got into the car and Edward started the three-hour drive back t Forks. The ride home was silent. As we passed the police station, we saw Charlie still there with Dr. Cullen.

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