Chapter 51

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Hey guy. I have been getting some messages to update this story and I must confess, they are stressing me out. I am more focused on graduating right now than writing. I'll update  when I have the time.

Also, according to Wattpad statistics, only a small percentage of y'all who read my book are actually following. So if you end up liking this book, consider following. It's free and you can always unfollow later. Enjoy the book

3rd P.O.V:

Wanda pushed past by everyone who was in the room and ran out of the house. Tears streamed down her face as she ran. "Vanda!" Pietro yelled as he ran at average speed after her. Charlie went to move after them but stopped.

"Can you three go after them? I need a little bit. Make sure they're okay." Charlie said as he looked after the twins. "Don't worry, Mr. Swan. They'll be safe with us." Alice said. Charlie watched as the Cullen's left the house.

He sat down in his chair and sighed. "What happened to the sweet little girl who made everyone smile?" Charlie asked himself as he looked at some framed photos that were on the mantle. He then put his head in his hands and started to weep.

Wanda ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She just needed to getaway. Away from the house, away from Bella, Away from the Cullens, and even away from her twin. She could barely see where she was going because of the tears in her eyes.

Her eyes turned red and red energy started to flow from her body. The words of her foster sister still ringing in her ears. Wanda let out a heart-wrenching scream. Her powers explode outwards from her body and destroying everything in a thirty-foot radius.

"Vanda!" Pietro yelled as he entered the destroyed area. He saw his sister holding her head in her hands, and she was balling her eyes out. "Shhhhh... I'm here." Pietro said as he pulled her into his arms. 

Edward, Alice, and Jasper ran into the clearing after Pietro and were in awe of the destruction that they saw. Edward focused on his crying mate and moved to her side. "It's okay, Wanda. You're okay." He said as he sat down next to her.

The emotions coming from Wanda hit Jasper like a brick wall. He froze and tried to get a handle on his emotions. Alice put an arm on him and looked at Pietro with a worried look. "It's too loud. Make it go avay." Wanda whimpered as she held her head.

Edward put an arm around her and started to gently stroke her hair. Pietro didn't even spare a glance at the vampire next to him. He focused on his sister. He closed his eyes and started to sing the lullaby their parents hummed for them.

Тамо где се северни ветар сусреће са морем

Река је пуна сећања

Спавај, драга моја, здрава и здрава

Јер у овој реци се све налази

У њеним водама, дубоко и истинито

Лажите одговоре и пут за вас

Зароните дубоко у њен звук

Али не предалеко или ћете се удавити

Да, певаће онима који чују

И у њеној песми тече сва магија

Али можете ли храбро оно чега се највише бојите?

Можете ли се суочити са оним што река зна?

Тамо где се северни ветар сусреће са морем

Постоји мајка пуна сећања

Дођи, драга моја, везана за кућу

Кад се све изгуби, онда се све пронађе

Wanda's breathing started to slow and her sobs became quiet. "It's okay. I've got you." Pietro said. "Lets get her back to our house." Edward said. "Ve'll follow you." Pietro said as he picked up his sister bridal style. 

"You think you can keep up?" Edward asked with a raised eyebrow. All Pietro did was smirk a him. Pietro got up and flashed across the field. "I know I can." Pietro said as He saw the shocked faces of the three Cullens.  

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