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"Mysophobia or germaphobia: a pathological fear of contamination and germs. Related to compulsive hand washing, fear of physical contact especially with strangers, a refusal to share personal belongings, excessive efforts to clean and sanitize one's environment... That must be it."Muttered Trey as he read the webpage on the library computer, the only one the students could use.

He had had a tough time convincing the librarian he needed to do some research for homework but his pleasant smile had finally done the trick.
It usually worked.

He scrolled down and continued to read. This was what Ash had. He was sure of it.
"Mysophobia can be a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It can appear when a person suffers from anxiety due to a traumatic event."
This was it. Ash suffered from OCD since his accident, it made perfect sense. Trey should have been relieved to have found out the truth.
And yet...

He had thought that if he did some research on what affected Ash since the crash he might have been able to help him. But after all that reading he was way less optimistic. Ash was going through so much and he didn't even know about it. How could he have been so inconsiderate?

Ash was so strong. He hid all his feelings behind his scowl and his boredom. When in reality he was hurting.
A lot.

Trey was angry at himself. If only he had payed more attention, he could have understood Ash's sudden mood changes and unexplained outbursts. He also could have helped him.
But now, he knew and he was going to do his best to be the least annoying possible. At least until he asked the headmaster to change dorm rooms.

Because this also explained why Ash had only very few roommates who usually didn't stay long. How could he share his safe personal space with a complete stranger in his condition? How could he do it with him? Trey was also a complete stranger if he thought about it. And he had barged unannounced in Ash's life, just like every other roommate he had before. Ash had only been trying to scare him off like he always did, just so that he could be left alone.

Trey groaned, the first thing he had done was touch one of Ash's things. Of course the boy had reacted so harshly, who wouldn't have? Trey had missed all the obvious signs like always. Ash had probably let him stay out of pity. And here he was playing footsies with him under the table and climbing on him in his own bed.

How stupid and inconsiderate could he be?

Ash was just being nice to an idiot who lacked affection.
That was it.
And it had to stop.

Because if it didn't, he would never get better. And if Ash didn't put an end to it, Trey would because he knew that deep down the other boy was too kind to toss him out.

He was going to leave the dorm room, as he should have on the very first day. Hopefully that would settle things between them. Especially after what had happened a week ago. Trey hadn't even seen Ash for the past days and he felt like if he stayed he would surely-

"What are you reading?"
Trey jumped when he heard a deep and familiar voice so close to him.
"J-just something for psychology class?"
"Is that a question or an affirmation? And do we even have a psychology clas-"

"It's nothing Ry, just some personal research!" Answered Trey as he quickly closed the webpage. He had been so focused on his research that he hadn't heard the boy coming closer.

"But you just told me-"
"A-anyway what are you doing here? I didn't peg you as a library reader." Trey cut him.
"I was looking for you actually..."

Oh gosh was that a blush?

Was Ry, the tallest and most intimidating person Trey knew, blushing?
The boy's cheeks grew red as well, he was uneasy. Ry always seemed to know how to throw him off without even being aware of it.

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