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There was so much blood.
It was everywhere.
On the walls, on the floor, on his hands.
"Murderer!" whispered cold voices around him. "You killed him, you don't even deserve to live.
Just put an end to it you miserable thing."

Trey's eyes shot open as he woke up in his bed, his body entangled in the sheets. He immediately tore the sweat-soaked material off his body. His breathing was labored and he was sweating profusely. Trey clasped his head between his hands as he rocked his body back and forth, his heart still hammering in his chest.

"Calm down Trey, calm down. Just a nightmare." He kept murmuring, trying to reassure his racing heart.
Trey carefully pried the rest of the sheets away from his slim waist and got out of his bunk on wobbly legs.

"Careful where you're going, I don't want you to bleed out on my floor after you crack your head open." Casually said Ash as he turned a page of the book he was holding. He didn't even bother turning his head to talk to Trey.
"Good morning to you too." Shrugged Trey, his nightmare momentarily forgotten thanks to Ash's oh so charming morning mood.

Said boy had been woken up in the middle of the night by Trey's cries of despair. He promised himself that he would never tell the small boy he had panicked when realizing the shouts were coming from him. Ash had climbed to the top bunk, worried sick, ready to rescue the small boy from whatever was causing his screams of distress.

When he realized it was just a nightmare, Ash had cursed himself for worrying about something that should be so insignificant to him. He had gotten back to bed trying to ignore Trey's tossing and turning.

In the end Ash didn't get a wink of sleep and had turned the lights on to read a book before class. Ash didn't particularly enjoy waking up early but reading always seemed to calm him down. And he was in great need of it after this long night.

Trey sighed as he picked up his clothes that were lying on a chair and headed towards the shower. Ash was about to remind him that the shower was his and that he didn't tolerate anyone else in it but Trey had already slammed the door shut, locking it behind him.

Ash sighed, that nightmare must have truly been something.
Oh well, he would just thoroughly disinfect everything after like he always did. Ash turned to another page letting his mind wander into the book's universe.


"You're late Mr Waters." Were the first words Ash heard from the teacher. He didn't even bother apologizing and headed to his seat at the far end of the class. He knew very well that she wouldn't do anything about it anyway. Every teacher knew him and they never bothered to lecture him.

Not that they ever bothered to lecture anyone really. Detention was more of a myth around here. The only somewhat respected punishment was the one given out by the headmaster. But only because he could toss anyone out if they didn't follow his rules.
Mr Grant was no joke. Things were only the way they were in Highwest because he rarely intervened, hauled up in his office all day. But when he did...
Well it was best to stay away, he could ruin a life in the blink of an eye.

Ash sighed but let his mask of boredom slide on his face as he sat down, noticing that Trey was seated at the table right next to his.

Trey was doodling on his notes when Ash entered the classroom. The tall boy's entry distracted him for good as he thought back to every information he had previously gathered on his mysterious roommate.

Trey noticed that Ash always sat alone next to the window and rarely paid attention to what happened in class. When he wasn't looking outside, he always slept.

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