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Luke angled his head back, trying to catch the sparse sun rays peaking through the clouds.
He was lying on one of the wooden tables outside the building and Trey was seated next to him finishing up his homework.

"Hey Deans, don't forget about tonight!" Suddenly shouted a tall boy waving his hand at Luke.
"I know, I won't forget Ry don't worry." He replied, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"What's happening tonight?" Asked Aaron appearing out of nowhere.
"None of your business." Shrugged Luke.
"Move you're blocking the sun dumb-ass." He continued, taking a quick look at Aaron's ankle. Thankfully it looked better than it had a few days ago.

"If you tell me what's up I'll move." Retorted Aaron playfully.
He knew exactly how to get on Luke's nerves and always ended up getting what he wanted.
"I want to know what's happening tonight too." Added Trey lifting his eyes from his textbook.

"Fine, Ry's organizing this year's gathering and I have to bring the beer, that's it. Now move Aaron, I'm serious." Responded Luke nudging the copper haired boy in the side with his foot.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?
I wouldn't miss the gathering for anything, you know that! Not cool dude not cool." Laughed Aaron deliberately ignoring Luke's foot.

"What's the gathering?" asked Trey a little dumbfounded.
"Oh yeah, you're new of course you don't know what the annual gathering is." Replied Aaron.

"Basically, Highwest institute is not only for boys, there are no girls here because we are separated. They have their own building. It's not too far from our dorm in fact.

So one night per year we have this huge party at one of the boys' dorm. It's quite selective, not everyone knows we do this and you can only get in if you're invited by the organizer. The best part is that in the beginning of the year, security is pretty laid back so girls can sneak in and we can party all night!" Continued Aaron pumping his fist in the air.

Luke rolled his eyes.
"Yeah in other words it's like the best night to fool around. All those hormones mix up and the boys go wild. It's their only chance to have some kind of sex in the year so they jump on basically everything that has boobs.

I think it's disgusting and that's why I didn't want to tell him. He always brings his flings to the dorm and when I come back, the room's a mess, I have to get the girl or girls out without getting caught and it smells bad after." Shrugged Luke arms crossed.

"It's not that bad, come on Deans everyone ends up having fun. And I have a feeling tonight's going to be even better than last year!" Grinned Aaron.

Trey's brows knitted together as he was still trying to process all what Luke and Aaron had told him. He briefly noticed Aaron leaving as Luke rose from his napping spot and told him to go change.
"I'll see you tonight at Ry's dorm, last door on the last floor." He said and trudged behind Aaron.


Ash slowly raised his eyes from the book he was reading when Trey entered the room.

The boy was lost in his thoughts so he didn't see the chair standing the middle of the room and bumped right into it. He winced, grabbing his left kneecap.

"What a klutz." muttered Ash under his breath. Trey glared at him but his roommate didn't seem to notice.
"I'm not a klutz." He retorted. "Could have fooled me." Replied Ash.

Trey just shrugged at his attitude and stared changing.
"And where do you think you're going Johnes? It's lights out at nine." Asked Ash his left brow rising.

"Apparently it's the annual gathering at Ry's dorm tonight. Not that the places I go are really any of your business." Responded Trey.

"And you were invited?" He flipped a page, ignoring the jab.
"Yeah I guess, Luke told me to come." Shrugged Trey
"Your stutter's faded." Replied Ash.
"Never mind it's back."

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