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The fact that Ash was sitting at his table made Aaron finally shut up much to Luke's dismay. Even though he complained about his roommate's constant ranting (he even spoke in his sleep), he enjoyed the deep masculine voice that always seemed to send shivers down his spine.

Instead of blabbering on, Aaron was now surprisingly quiet and fiddling with his spoon.

"Hey man, you coming or what? Training's about to start!" Shouted a tall blond.
At the mention of training, Aaron leaped from his chair and almost flew towards the exist, leaving his untouched food on the table. Trey smiled, it was like wings had suddenly grown out of his back.

Luke sighed and got up as well. Aaron had once again left his lunch tray behind and being the dedicated friend he was, he put it away while Aaron was off again with his "dickhead friends".

Trey was a little scared of being left alone with Ash so he offered him an apologetic look and followed Luke like a lost puppy.


Luke slowed down and turned around when he noticed Trey's hasty steps behind him.
"I don't think we have the same classes today Trey, I have to go train right now. But you might be with Ashton though." He said softly.

Trey's eyes slightly widened when the blond mentioned his roommate. He remembered that Luke had once mentioned his full name.
But why did Luke know his name?
Trey wanted to know more but refrained from asking too many questions.

The blond boy walked away, leaving a confused Trey standing alone in the middle of the hallway.

"You coming? Or you maybe fancy detention?" Trey turned around to find a bored looking Ash leaning against a wall staring back at him. He shook his head quietly and followed him.

Trey was still very curious about why Luke knew Ash's full name but he didn't dare ask Ash anything about it. It wasn't his business. Trey had his own share of secrets and so did Luke apparently.

He would soon come to realize that everyone else here had their own secrets.


Luke pushed the doors to the changing room with a grunt. How Aaron had persuaded him to take up more sports classes amazed him. That boy could really ask anything from him and he would do it without thinking twice.

He walked over to the track where only a few students were warming up. Not many liked extra classes so it wasn't a surprise to him. He groaned, shielding his eyes from the sun as he searched for his roommate. Sure enough, there he was, stretching his long legs and preparing for a run.

As always.

Luke reached the middle of the track and decided to just stretch for today. There was no way he was running, it was just way too hot. So he sat down as a group of students started to jog, Aaron already far ahead of them.

Luke tried not to stare so much and carry on with his stretching, tucking a knee to his chest and slowly drawing it backwards to pull on his ankle. But how could he ignore Aaron? His cooper hair shone in the sunlight, his lean muscles stretched with each stride and a look of sheer determination was plastered on his face.

Every time he trained, Luke wondered if he was watching a national athlete. And it made him wonder how the hell he had ended up here. Luke has seen the medals and the cups, tucked away in Aaron's drawers, but he had never dared to ask about them.
Even up until now.

He knew better than to pry into his past.

Luke shook the thoughts away. Curiosity always killed the cat and he somewhat valued his life, so he went back to watching the other group of students. They were much less interesting compared to Aaron. Definitely not cut out for running long distances and sticking together like a pack. They took up most of the track's width, lazily jogging.

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