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WARNING: mildly heated content at the end of the chapter. There will be an indicator so if you don't like it just skip it. Enjoy the chapter!

A high pitched whistle rang as the students finally finished running their morning laps.

Luke was out of breath. He headed towards the bleachers and reached for his water bottle, trying to calm his thumping heart. While hurriedly gulping down the water, he sat down, slim arms resting on his thighs. Luke sighed, he hated running.

The blond boy lifted his head letting his eyes wander towards the others who had also finished their morning exercises. He finally spotted who he was looking for.

Aaron was coming from the far end of the track, lean body moving with ease as if he hadn't been through the exhausting run.
His copper hair shone in the sun light, his slight tan accentuating his arm and leg muscles.

In opposition to Luke, Aaron loved to race the track.
Getting up every morning never bothered him as long as he could run his laps. Running helped him feel sane, it helped him keep his anger at bay and God knows he needed it. It was like a drug to him: feeling his sore muscles stretch in the sunlight, the track under the soles of his shoes, the cold morning air rush in and out of his lungs effortlessly.

It made him feel alive.

Running was all he had,
all that was left.
The unique surge of adrenaline pumping through his veins, the speed increasing every day. It was all he needed.
Aaron swiftly removed his shirt as he headed towards the bleachers.

Luke gulped and desperately tried to look away but he was weak to Aaron Smith's body.
Beads of sweat were rolling off Aaron's toned chest, dipping in the curves of his defined stomach and glistening in the sun.

Luke's daydreaming was cut short when he saw Aaron turning his head and sending him a wolffish grin. The blond boy flushed pink and tried to hide his face as Aaron jogged over to him, sweat-drenched shirt carelessly thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey Deans why in fuck's sake are you out there blushing like a girl?" Laughed Aaron, his amber eyes narrowing in slits to avoid the sunlight.
"Shut up Aaron you know I get flushed easily. Plus I hate running and it's super hot today." Replied Luke grumpily. "And stop being so rude, it's not a personality trait you idiot."
His brooding was interrupted by Aaron's charming laugh. His is eyes were closed and his lips parted to reveal porcelain like teeth.

Luke blushed even deeper and slightly punched his roommate in the gut, ignoring the burning sensation of his skin against Aaron's. The taller boy stopped laughing and stared at Luke deep in the eyes. Luke gulped once more as his own locked with Aaron's.

Suddenly, he was violently tackled to the ground. Luke huffed under his roommate's weight and started laughing when he felt Aaron's long fingers graze his sides.

Luke's laugh rang clear in the morning air as he desperately tried to escape the other boy's torturous fingers. He twisted and turned but Aaron had an iron grip.
Luke was quickly out of breath and his cheeks were flushed.

He stopped pushing Aaron when he understood he had lost. "Okay you win Aaron, you win! Now get off you're heavy."
"I'll take that as a compliment since all of this is muscle, but I think my leg is cramping so I can't really move right now. Sorry Deans." Replied Aaron cheekily, his eyes crinkled as he continued laughing. Luke made a weak attempt to punch the other boy but failed miserably.
Luke sighed and closed his eyes.

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