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Aaron wake up for goodness's sake coach is going to kill us for being late to training. Get a move on you manslug!" Luke shouted and finally kicked his sleeping roommate off his bed.

"Ow what the fu-"

"Nope no swearing in the morning Mr Smith your mother would be ashamed! And no time for sulking either, get in your gym clothes and brush your hair for the love of God you look like hell." Continued Luke in a cheery tone.

"You sleep way too much anyways, what are you? A hibernating Grizzli bear? He laughed softly.

Aaron finally stood up and streched his back muscles staring Luke dead in the eye. The blond boy stopped laughing.
Uh oh seemed like the bear was pissed now.

"I sleep alot because I'm still growing dumbass." Grunted Aaron as he ran a hand through his copper hair.
"But you wouldn't know that because you're so short." He added with a grin.

Luke was cut to the quick.
"Hey that's not true, my height is perfectly normal you're just disproportionnate!" He crossed his arms pretending to be mad.
"5'11 isn't that tall anyway you're such a showoff"

"Whatever you say Princess." replied Aaron in a bored tone, sliding his shirt over his head. Luke caught a glimpse of a tanned strip of skin just above his waistline and turnd his head away, cheeks warming up.

"Stop calling me that and move it, I don't want to run extra laps because of you!"

"Yeah I'm coming jeez, calm down you idiot."

They arrived twenty minutes late and ended up running extra laps.

"I hate you!" spat Luke, feeling his lungs burning and his heart thumping at a deathly rate.
Aaron being the golden boy he was just laughed. The laps haden't affected him one bit and seeing Luke angry was just like seeing a kitten meowling in indignation. It was just to fun and so easy to rile him up.

Luke huffed in annoyance and stomped away grumbling. Aaron still laughing trailed close behind him, shaking his head. That boy really was something. Sometimes just seeing him was enough to want to annoy him. And damn what a perfectly shapped as-

"Aaron stop staring at my butt please it's getting awkward."
Aaron shook his head and Luke raised his eyebrows. His roommate was weird sometimes.

He was still a bit upset at him for some unknown reason. Well, Aaron didn't want to admit it but he had felt a strange and unpleasant feeling when they were at the theater and Luke's eyes weren't following him like they always did.

He shrugged the feeling off. That idiot was making him weird. He really needed a drink. He wasn't allowed to drink before so he tried to enjoy it as much as he could. To tell the truth, Aaron didn't really like alcohol. He didn't like the happy feelings it bought, nor the way it made him loose control, especially around a person in particular. But it made him forget.

He sighed, his reputation was more important than his tastebuds anyway.
"Hey dumbass are you going to Mike's party tonight?" He adressed his roommate once he exited the shower.

Luke looked at him, debating on wether or not he should go and end up shit drunk, have to drag Aaron back to his bed, undress him and stare at his perfect bod-

"No. I don't want to carry your drunk ass back to the dorm, you're as heavy as a dead cow when you pass out." He quickly shoved his thoughts aside.
"Yeah right, between you and me we know who is the light weight." Shrugged Aaron with a laugh.

"Hey! I can hold my alcohol perfectly fine thank you. Just go to that party alone. I'm tired, I'll sleep as soon as class ends. Class to which I will be late once again because of you" He added in a hurry, as he finished buttoning his white shirt.

Freckles Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon