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The next morning, Trey woke up late.

He knew he was late because Ash was no longer in the bottom bunk and his bed was neatly made.
Trey had been very preoccupied about Luke's well-being over the past month and he hadn't been sleeping enough. He realized he hadn't heard the shrill morning bell.

"Shit, shit, shit!" He muttered.

He had never been late once, up to now and didn't exactly know what could happen to him.

But he had an idea and he didn't want to waste anymore time to find out if he was right.

He hurriedly slipped on his pants while attempting to tame his brown curls. He jumped around, desperately trying to button his shirt while trying to find his left shoe. Finally, he buttoned his shirt, raced down the corridor, and reached the flight of stairs, taking the steps two by two.

The hallways were empty, an eerie silence reigned, only disrupted by his short pants now and then. He reached the dining hall only to find the metal doors shut and the corridor void of any latecomers.

They knew better.

Trey was out of breath but he still pounded his fists on the doors. Maybe a guard would hear him and let him in? But to no avail. The steel doors where way too thick, no one could hear him even if he shouted.

Trey sighed and slumped against the wall, tucking his knees and leaning his head back. Maybe Luke could save him some breakfast.
He hoped so, he wouldn't make it through the morning drills without eating.

But why hadn't Ash woken him up? Did he want to teach him a lesson? No that couldn't be it, they got on well now, much better than before at least. Trey brushed his lips and his cheeks reddened.

Ash had even kissed him.

He had liked it, and he had been turned on. So why did he let him miss breakfast? That didn't make any sense.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a rapid footfall echoing in the corridor.
Oh so someone else was late after all! Trey got up feeling a little relieved. Maybe the other student knew how to get in. He smiled waiting for him to get closer.
But when he saw the angry looking boy who had tripped him in the hallway on purpose in the beggining of the year, his smile fell.

What was he doing here?

At first, the other boy didn't notice him. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone.
His face was cold and closed off, a menacing aura surrounded him and Trey shivered despite himself.

Okay breath in

He intstructed himself, don't show him you're afraid, maybe he won't even talk to you.

And then, the boy spotted him.

He came foreward, a sly smile now adorning his face.
"Well, well, well what do we have here? Didn't peg you for the suicidal type. I guess they always say to look out for the defensless ones, they're the craziest." He laughed. Trey gulped.

"What are you doing here?"he asked bravely. Thankfully, he managed not to stutter.
The other boy laughed again and shook his head in disbelief.

"You don't know what happens when the gates are closed?" He asked still laughing, Trey was even more uneasy, he was getting a bad feeling.
"Oh man, then you're in big trouble. Let me guess, you're not out here on purpose are you?"
"Um no, are you?" He asked back, not understanding why someone would choose to miss breakfast.

"Damn right I am. I'm on a... Special hunt."
"What are you hunting?"
"Nah the right question is who am I hunting?"
"You're hunting someone? Wha- your not an animal? Why would you do that?"
"Because that guy is. He gets on my nerves and he beat up most of my friends. So I'm going to find him and give him a piece of my mind.

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