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"I am very disappointed with your behaviour Mr Johnes.
The other two, I can understand. Even though Mr Tarnard rarely gets involved in meaningless displays of superiority. But you?
You I don't understand.

We had an agreement had we not?
You agreed to stay out of trouble which  explicitly meant staying away from Mr Ashton Waters."
Trey lowered his head. He was not in the mood to listen to the headmaster call him out on his friend choices. Again.

"Alright, what happened?
I want to hear your version since the only thing the other two did was keep silent. And make it quick." Continued Mr Grant with a look of boredom on his face.
Trey was uneasy.
He didn't want any of the other boys getting in trouble, but he couldn't lie because if Mr Grant found out the truth, it could cost him his place at school. And the headmaster knew it.

"I-it was an accident sir. Ryley tripped." He answered, staring right back at the headmaster.
"He tripped. Isn't that convenient Mr Johnes. "
"It isn't? because they both ended up getting hurt."
"So Mr Tarnard tripped and smashed his face on the ground, is that right? And Mr Waters in a heroic effort to try and catch him, also fell...
I think you are lying to me Mr Johnes."

Trey tried not to grimace, his excuse was pitiful but it was the only one he could think of.
"I-I'm not. Ryley and I were talking in the library, Ashton saw us and came over. When he saw him Ryley got up but his foot got caught on a chair and he stumbled. He would have crushed me if Ashton hadn't pulled him back."

"So Mr Waters pulled him back? This just keeps getting better."
"He did. And they both knocked the side of their heads against a table when they fell."
"Right. So that would explain the bruises."
"Do you take me for an idiot Mr Johnes? I know they were fighting."
Trey winced.

"Frankly it does not matter to me that they were, this unfortunately happens all the time around here. What does matter though is why. Why were these two students -who have no apparent reason to run into each other- fighting in my library?"
"I told you Sir, Ryley tr-"

"Mr Johnes, I believe I am a patient man, but that does not mean that I am a fool. He tripped? Really?"
The headmaster sighed and massaged his temples.
"Need I remind you of the deal I had with your Stepfather?"
Trey's jaw clenched unconsciously. He didn't like where this was going.

"If I recall, I allowed you to come here and follow a rigorous education in exchange for exemplary behavior and outstanding grades. As he had promised me.
Alas you seem to lack both of those.
So tell me Mr Johnes? Why shouldn't I simply offer your place to a student in desperate need of help and entrust you to the system?

If you don't fancy your life here, say the word and I shall let you go. But keep in mind that anywhere else is worse than here.
So I will ask one last time. Why do I have another fight on my hands this early in the month?"

Trey lowered his head and gritted his teeth. Denouncing Ash was the last thing he wanted to do but he didn't want to go back to the orphanage.
He couldn't.

"The truth Mr Johnes. I want the truth. Did I not tell you that my time was precious?"
Trey panicked and his mouth started moving despite him. He wasn't exactly sure of what he was saying or if it was convincing the director, but the man sat in silence, attentively listening to everything he said.
And finally, he cut him off.

"That will be all Mr Johnes. Thank you for your honesty.
Given the fact that you are a young man who seems ambitious despite what you have shown me until now, and the fact that I believe in learning from one's mistakes I will let this one go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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