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Hello fellow readers! I have an announcement to make:
*rolls imaginary drums in her head*
I changed the title and the cover of the book. I think you all noticed (and maybe don't know what's going on) but I decided to change everything. I started writing this book two years ago and my ideas have changed since. I found that the title and cover didn't suit the story anymore so I decided to change them... 😅😅
Welcome to chapter 12 of Freckles!
Enjoy! ❤️

"We need to talk!" Hissed Luke, as he fell unceremoniously in the chair next to Trey's.

The librarian raised her eyes and glared at him.
He blatantly ignored her and pressed his forehead to the table letting out a deep sigh.
"But first I need my breath back." He muttered.
Trey looked up from his textbook and patiently waited, a slight frown adorning his delicate face.

"You know, when someone says "We need to talk", it usually means that breaking up is next." He innocently stated.
"Are you breaking up with me Luke?" He added in a slightly offended tone.
The other boy stared at him, eyes now wide open.

"It's just a joke calm down. What's the matter?" He continued with a soft chuckle, noticing his stunned expression.
Luke huffed "You shouldn't say things like that you know, people could get strange ideas."
"Sorry, I just wanted to make you laugh." Replied Trey as he averted his gaze.

"Hey we talked about that! You don't have to apologize all the time. And I have to admit it was kinda funny." Said Luke with a small smile.
He was really trying to break the ice between him and the other boy but things were still pretty difficult.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Asked Trey.
"Oh... Yeah, right. Um actually I have a question." Sputtered Luke scratching the back of his neck.
"Go on." Replied Trey.

"Uh yeah, so the deal is that I have a friend who thinks he is in love with his best friend, and that's like a big no no because his best friend obviously doesn't like him back.
But recently the best friend is acting weird and started making weird advances.
So now he's really confused and probably freaking out a little a bit.

Oh and I forgot to mention they recently fought so he thinks they're never going to speak again and he told me he's sad.
What do you think he should do?" Luke blurted.

Trey slightly scrunched his eyebrows. He bit his lower lip, an old habit he had when thinking and faced Luke.

"Well, from what I've just heard, your friend really likes his best friend and if she is making advances that may mean that she is interested but I'm not exactly sure.

Maybe she has trouble expressing her feelings and doesn't know how to put words on the emotions regarding your friend. I think they should at least talk to try and sort things out. Don't you think?" He replied.

Luke cringed at the use of the female pronoun. Of course Trey being his innocent self thought the best friend was a girl.
"I guess you're right but should they talk so early? I mean they did have a fight very recently."
"Yes, I think it's never a good thing to leave problems unresolved. And it could be a good opportunity for her to explain her feelings and for him to ask the right questions." Replied Trey softly.

Luke refrained from rolling his eyes and laughing. Confess to Aaron? Never. He could already picture many ways of how that would go.
And they were all bad.

He wasn't risking his friendship over a stupid crush.

But Trey was still right, he and Aaron had to talk. They had to talk seriously like adults, not like horny teenagers in an empty classroom.

He was getting side tracked again.

Luke shoved his unholy fantasies in a corner of his head and sighed.
"I guess you're right, I'll tell him that they at least need to talk it out."

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