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Luke's tray clattered as he dropped it on the wooden lunch table.
"No way! How on earth have you never read Wuthering Heights ? It's like the best book ever! And it's a classic!" He said placing his fists on his hips as he turned to face Trey. The small boy smiled apologetically as he shook his head and placed his tray on the table facing Luke.

"I don't really like reading." he mumbled.
"Really?" Replied Luke
"I totally pegged you for the book worm type though. You haven't even read Harry Potter?"
"No- Sorry." responded Trey feeling a blush creep on his face.

"Hey what are you apologizing for? It's okay if you don't like reading. Look I hate running and I get shit for it all the time."
Laughed Luke as he remembered the first time he had admitted his dislike for the sport to Aaron.

The boy hadn't spoken to him for a week and even if the two quickly made up, the other boys never missed an opportunity to tease Luke about it.

Trey and Luke sat down to continue their conversation.
Luke was glad to see that Trey was gradually opening up to him; the small boy was no longer scared to look him right in the eyes when they spoke. He even let out genuine laughs to Luke's corny jokes from time to time.

The two were chuckling about something Luke had said when the blond boy heard someone pull the chair beside him. Thinking it was just someone borrowing the chair Luke continued on with his rambling when he noticed that Trey had stopped laughing and was frowning in incomprehension, his eyes staring right past him.

Luke finally turned his head towards the other chair and almost fell off his. Sitting there, right next to him was the one and only Aaron. He was munching on his bread his knee slightly bumping up and down against Luke's.

"Aaron, what are you doing here?" Asked Luke in disbelief while Trey automatically dropped his eyes back to his plate. So that was Aaron, Luke's roommate.
He was undeniably handsome.

Even he had to admit it.

But Trey had picked up on the way Luke's face always seemed to lighten when he spoke about or looked at the copper haired boy; and Trey was no fool when it came to reading others.

"Princess, why such hate in your words, I'm truly pained." Replied Aaron with a coy smile. He faced his brooding, crossed-armed roommate still smiling.

"Don't call me that! And for the love of God Aaron, I asked you a question." Replied Luke as he rolled his blue eyes in annoyance, feeling his cheeks grow a shade darker.
" Well, I kinda grew bored of my dickhead friends so... Voilà, here I am. Anyway, don't mind me continue with your conversation."

Trey was still slightly uneasy, he didn't deal well with people in general and Luke's roommate carried around an incredibly confident aura that made him feel uneasy.

"Hey! I don't think I know you, what's your name?" Suddenly asked Aaron as he seemed to finally notice him sitting on the other chair facing Luke.

"His name is Trey, leave him alone Smith you're making him uncomfortable." Responded Luke dryly. Aaron sighed but instantly brought the handsome smile back on his face.
"Nice to meet you Trey, it seems you are one of the few who manages to deal with his majesty over there. It's a relief to know I'm not alone anymore!" He continued cheekily, dimples showing.

Trey had a hard time trying to contain the snort that threatened to get out at Aaron's words. If it wasn't for Luke's death glare, the small boy would have let it out.
"Nice to meet you too." Replied Trey with a small smile.

"So... peasants, I have drama!" Continued Aaron with a cheeky grin as he munched on his peace of bread.
" Don't talk with your mouth full." Scowled Luke like an annoyed mother.
"Aye aye milady." Responded Aaron as he rolled his amber eyes.

Trey slightly chuckled gradually discovering the strange relationship Luke and his roommate had. He had to admit that he was a tiny bit jealous; they seemed to get along pretty well despite all their bickering.

"So, I heard something happened yesterday." Said Aaron.
Trey perked up at that, instantly captivated by the other boy's voice.

"Some dude in my English class told me he saw a guy being carried to the infirmary in quite a state. Half of his face was smashed, a broken arm and ribs. Like he was mauled by a lion or something. Apparently it was sick, to bad I missed that." He added.

"But I wonder who managed to jump him like that. The guy was huge, like six feet tall and built like a bear."
"And when the hell did that happen?" Asked Luke slightly surprised.

"Why? You scared Deans ? Don't worry I'll protect you." Laughed Aaron as the top of Luke's ears darkened.
"Shut up." He mumbled.
"He told me they found him just after lunch yesterday. The principal decided to hide the incident from the students to avoid panic but Peterson saw him.

Trey was only mildly surprised upon hearing Aaron's story. They where at Highwest Institute after all, incidents like these were bound to happen and he had already seen students fight each other a couple times. But, despite telling himself that, Aaron's words still rang in his head:

"Half of his face was smashed. a broken arm and ribs. Like he was mauled by a lion."
He never suspected that someone could be violent enough to send another boy in hospital with their bare hands.

Luke was silent. He was looking straight at his soup, all appetite having definitely left him. He was scared, it wasn't the first time something like this had happened. He remembered in particular the first time he had set foot here; the same night a boy had been sent to the hospital. Same injuries, shattered bones and out cold. He shivered at the thought.

Aaron seemed to deal pretty well with the news and was finishing his dinner while engaged in a deep conversation with Trey.

The copper haired boy was vividly shaking his head at something Trey had said, locks flying around his face, when suddenly a shadow blocked the light.

Aaron slightly raised his head in annoyance only to find a pair of dark green eyes staring right back at him. This day only seemed to get better.
Ash was standing there, towering over the three boys and he was not happy with the situation he was in.

Trey held his breath, Luke held his breath, the whole room grew quiet as the two boys stared at each other like two predators measuring themselves one another.
Aaron's hairs stood on his arms but even if he felt intimidated, he didn't dare back down and look away.

Luke would never stop teasing him if he did and his pride would take a major blow. He was Aaron Smith the golden boy after all.

So he silently stared at Ash who's left eyebrow shot up as if daring the other boy to keep on looking at him.
Finally someone confident or stupid enough to stand up for themselves thought Ash.

He finally just moved over to Trey without a word. Everyone let out the breath they were holding in as he settled down next to his short and annoying roommate.

They were now four on the small table and Trey was feeling uneasy with this proximity. He was starting to remember why he didn't handle crowds so well.

Ash wasn't really charmed by the idea of sharing a table once again but didn't voice his annoyance. A small smirk made it's way to his lips when he noticed Trey hastily straightening his back and deliberately trying to avoid his deep green eyes.

Things were finally getting interesting.

OMG my midterm exams are finally over! I will probably be able to post more chapters ! Hope you enjoyed chapter 7 and see you at chapter 8.
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