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Trey felt awful.

Ry had forced him to go to Mike's party the day before and boy was he hungover now.
The boy had dragged him in a game of beer pong where the two pathetically lost and were forced to drink until they almost passed out. The rest of the night had only been drunken giggles, singing and making fun of Aaron's bad mood.

Trey didn't remembered much from the party, just Ry dropping Aaron off in his dorm then him. He had passed out on his bed, still fully clothed.

Trey yawned and walked sleepily towards the bathroom, unaware of Ash's slightly judgmental stare.

This was going to be a tough day.

The boy groaned once more as he now tried taming his hair. He looked at his watch. At this rate, he was going to be late as hell. He gave up on his hair and decided to dress up instead.

Ash stared at him as he walked back into the room and raised a brow when he tripped over his bag, almost slamming his face on the floor.
"Rough night?" He snorted.
"What gave it away?" Retorted Trey.

Ash smiled without replying. That boy was such a klutz, he had to save him at least once a day from an imminent death. Ash had discovered that Trey was an airhead and not only did he tend to forget things, but he was also rarely aware of his own surroundings. He tripped all the time and bumped against people regularly.

Ash sighed, watching Trey as he now desperately tried to remove his still buttoned shirt.
He was struggling in the middle of the room, pale midriff exposed and face hidden behind the material of his shirt.

"Urgh! Why is this stupid shirt not coming off, I don't want to be late and run laps!"
Trey was getting fed up, he wasn't very patient. He pulled even harder on his shirt and jumped around trying to free his arms but ended up getting even more stuck.

Ash bit his lower lip in an effort to not laugh at the small boy.
He accidentally let out a chuckle.
Trey turned his body to face him, his arms still up in the air.

"Hey! Why are you laughing, this is not funny!" He whined.

"On the contrary, I find you being up at eight am growling like an upset puppy to be very..."
He stopped for a moment, staring at Trey's flat stomach, feeling something primal stir in him.

"Entertaining" he continued in a lower tone.

"You're mean, you should be helping me instead of making fun of me!" Retorted Trey as he finally gave up on his struggling and sighed in defeat.

"Okay fine, I'm going to help you but just because it was fun to see you struggle on your own." Replied Ash as he sat up in his bed.
"I was right you are a very mean person Ashton." Trey fired back, trying to wiggle his way out again.
"I guess you were." He chuckled.

"Hey, come closer, I need to think about how I'm going to pull your shirt off."
"At last thank you!" Exclaimed Trey in despair as he knelt next to the bed, where Ash's voice came from. Even seated, the other male towered over him. He crossed his muscular arms trying to figure out how to free Trey from his shirt.

Then, he got an idea.
A grin spread on his face as he uncrossed his arms and lightly grabbed the bottom of Trey's ruffled shirt.
"Finally" sighed Trey as he lifted his arms again. Ash slowly pulled on the shirt and purposely let his fingers slip. Trey reacted almost instantly.

"Hey don't do that, your fingers are cold and I'm very ticklish."
"Really ?" Replied Ash, his grin widening.
Trey realised his mistake but it was too late.

"Ashton, whatever you're thinking you better not do it!" He warned, trying his best to sound menacing.

Needless to say it didn't really do much.

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