Chapter 19: Jackie's POV

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Luka, like I've said countless times before, is such a dumbass. I hate that kid. Who is he to call me out on something I said to him after consuming countless cups of alcohol?! AGHHHHHHHHHH.

Scowling, I elbow my way ahead of him and lead the way towards the line of trees marking the edge of the woods. We start to make our way into the forest, treading deeper and deeper along an overgrown, twisting hiking trail that looks like it hasn't been used in years. The trees, a mix of maples, firs, oaks, and others, tower above us, the sunlight shining through their leaves and casting everything in a speckled sort of light. As we trudge deeper into the woods, the path begins to become more difficult to follow, until eventually, it disappears altogether. Yikes.

"Uh... do you have any idea where we're going Miss Know-It-All?"

"Well first of all, of course I do! And second of all, that was extremely uncalled for!" I shoot Luka a glare and continue to lead the way, swatting at the branches that threaten to scrape at my face and kicking at the thorny bushes barring our path. I mayyyyy or may not have said that just to shut him up. I'm extremely lost, and if he can't see that, he's blind, but I don't think he has a clue where we are either. We continue to go deeper into the forest, and as time passes, everything around us grows darker. I can't tell if it's because it's getting closer to night or if we're just so far into the woods that the light can barely make it through the leafy canopy. Rocks, trees, bushes, logs, everything is looming at us in the shadows now. I'm on edge, afraid that a monster is going to pop out or something, and I can tell Luka is nervous too. He's running his hands through his hair and making it all messy, which I'm sure he'll live to regret. Pshh. Dumbass.

Suddenly, we stumble upon a little clearing in the trees. The ground is littered with wildflowers and the grass is matted down, as if some deer had recently slept here. The little clearing is filled with a glowy green light from what little sunlight is able to filter through the trees. Luka and I step into the center and look around warily. Something feels off about this place.

"Jackie... I don't like this. Why's it so quiet?"

"SHH," I poke him hard between the eyes and gesture for him to zip it. He blinks angrily and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"What was that for?!" He waves his arms around like a lunatic.

"You probably deserved it." Says a voice from behind me.


A voice from behind me?!

I whip around, about to draw my sword, but I find myself nose to nose with a pair of gorgeous amber eyes and tan skin.


"UH WHAT I WHO YOU- HI?" I stutter, stumbling backwards. Luka, somehow, finds enough sense in that thick skull of his to catch me. I heave myself out of his arms and stand up straight, and finally get a good look at the person I just so ceremoniously threw myself towards.

Godsdamnit, she's beautiful.


Goddess-ly beautiful.

Hooooooly Hephaestus.

She's around 5'6 and looks to be about my age, with dark brown hair that appears almost black pulled over her shoulder in a long braid. Woven into it are tiny white flowers, and adorning her head is a delicate flower crown that has flowers with petals in every color of the rainbow. Her strapless dress is made of a shimmery green fabric that's long enough to sweep the forest floor, and it's riddled with all sorts of Ancient Greek markings and symbols.

"Are you lost?" She speaks in a voice so sweet and melodic it's almost like birds chirping. If I hadn't seen her lips move I probably would have mistaken it for just another sound of the forest.

"Uh... Yeah, just a bit-" I start, but Luka cuts me off.

"I thought you said you knew where we were?!" I shoot him an angry glare and then turn to smile at the girl. She smiles in return and I feel my cheeks heat up a little.

"Sorry about him," I mutter, giving her an apologetic grin, "He can be pretty rude-"

"Rude?!" Luka splutters, but I just ignore him and continue, "But he means well. I'm Jackie. Oh, and that's Luka. Who are you? And... Can you help us?"

"I'm Maple! I'm a forest nymph," She replies cheerfully, tucking a loose strand of hair back into her braid, "Nice to meet you Jackie, Luka. And I'd be honored to help you! I know this forest like the back of my hand. It's my home after all."

"Oh my gods, thank you so much! We're actually looking for a torch. It's sacred to Demeter, and it once belonged to her children at Camp Half-Blood before it was lost decades ago. Supposedly it's somewhere in this forest... Would you happen to know where it is?"

"Hmm..." Maple bites her lip as she thinks. CUUUTE. Then her eyes light up, "OH! Well I don't know if the torch is there for sure, but I always hear the older nymphs talking about these ancient caves in the woods. They've mentioned an ancient power that's been brewing there for years. I don't know if it's just legend or if it's true, but it may be your best bet. I've been there once or twice but I don't like it much. It's dark. Buuut I could lead the way if you want?"

"That would be amazing!" I grin at her and she starts to make her way through the woods, beckoning for us to follow.

We walk for a while, dodging between trees and brambles, but it's much easier with Maple as our guide. Luka is still grumbling and complaining behind me but that only brings me more joy. I study the nymph ahead of me, her cascading brown locks, slim figure, shimmering gown, sun kissed skin... Oh gods. I've gotta say something.

"Wow, it's really pretty." I say as we tread onward in the forest.

"Yes, the woods are rather pretty, aren't they? All the birds-"

"Oh, actually, I was talking about your hair." Maple turns around, blushing, and gives me a nervous little smile.

"Aww, thank you!"

"And your flower crown... Those flowers are beautiful. Do you have to pick new ones every day?"

"Yeah, but it's pretty fun actually. You'd look really nice in one- Uh. Not that you don't already- I mean- I just-" She stutters for a second but I just just wink at her and she blinks, then grins, "Maybe I could show you how to make one sometime?"

"I'd like that." I smile and fall into step beside her, chatting as we hike, feeling nervous but in an excited kind of way. This girl is just adorable. Eventually we reach a wide stream and have to hop across a few stones to cross it. I grab Maple's hand for balance and I smile to myself as she keeps holding it when we reach the other side. Luka, who I'd almost forgotten was even there, coughs loudly and I whip my head around as Maple continues to drag me forwards.

"What?" I hiss.

He stares blatantly at my fingers laced with the nymph's and raises an eyebrow skeptically, like he's judging me or something. I blink and drop her hand, and suddenly she stops walking and turns around.

"Jackie, is something wrong?" Maple asks, looking between me and Luka in confusion.

"Oh, no, I think Luka is just getting tired. Don't mind him," I mumble, shooting him a seething glare. He opens his mouth to say something, but Maple cuts him off before he gets the chance. "Oh, okay! No worries, we'll be there soon anyways!" Then she slips her arm around my waist and we continue walking. HOLY SHIT. DID SHE JUST- excuse me for a moment while I internally scream.

Suddenly my day is looking a whole lot better.

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