Chapter 21: Jackie's POV

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Ugh I could KILL Luka right now!!! If he isn't dead already, that is. That dumbass just walked right into the cave all alone with no flashlight and zero training. Dumb. Ass.

"Hey, uh, Maple?" The nymph still looks a little shocked at how Luka had reacted before he ran away.


"I'm sorry, but I gotta go follow him. He'll get himself killed without me, he has like, no skills... Sorry about what he said to you back there. He didn't mean it. And uh, thanks for all your help. It really means a lot." The nymph looks me in the eye and for a second I think she's going to cry or something, like she's still upset about Luka, but she completely takes me by surprise. She leans over and kisses me on the cheek.

Oh my GODS. I'm not freaking out- you are!

"It was no problem," She blushes and smiles at me cheekily, "This is where we part ways, I guess. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime?"

"Yeah. I really hope we do." Problem is, I don't think we will. It's just not very likely. The chances of me dying are pretty high, and if I do make it back to camp, who knows if I'll ever be back to Virginia. Somewhere in my heart, I know this is probably the last time I'll see her. I think Maple knows too. She gives me a sad sort of smile.

"Good luck on your quest Jackie. Don't die, okay?"

"I'll try." I give her hand a squeeze before letting it drop, shooting her one last smile, and heading into the cave.


No answer. Why am I not surprised?

As I make my way through the cave, the light of the entrance grows fainter as the ceiling gets lower, and soon I'm crawling in pitch black. Ughhhh my knees hurt. Of COURSE Luka had to run off like a lunatic. I swear to gods when I find him I'll-

OH MY GODS A LIGHT! FINALLY! Crawling as fast as I can, I make my way towards what looks like a glowing doorway. The ceiling is higher just outside the entrance and I'm able to stand up and peer inside.

"Luka, are you there?" I call, peering cautiously through the doorway. Sure enough, there stands the son of Apollo with a cocky expression, holding some sort of torch. The relic. Well at least he did something right.

I spoke too soon.

I hear a strange rumbling sound and Luka glances up, a look of shock and horror flashing across his face before the ceiling crumbles above him and comes crashing down on his head, burying him alive. Rocks, dirt, and all.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.

"LUKA!" I scream, and start tearing through the rocks, chucking them aside as fast as I can. My heart feels like it's in my throat and my breathing is fast and panicky. Holy shit holy SHIT that did not just happen oh my gods. Finally, I manage to clear the rocks off of him and take his motionless face in my hands.

"Luka? Luka! Are you okay?? Say something, please! Luka?" He doesn't move, and his eyes stay shut. I feel for a pulse and lean my head against his chest to listen to see if he's breathing. When I realize he is, I let out a sob of relief. Oh my GODS.

"Dumbass." I mumble through my tears before wiping my face, grabbing the relic and stashing it into my backpack. I spend the next few hours, or however long it takes, I'm not really sure what time it is at this point now that I've been in this cave for so long, to drag Luka as gently as I can through the pitch black of the cave. After what feels like forever, I reach the entrance, only to be greeted by more darkness. It must be night. I can see little stars dotting the night sky between the leaves of the trees, and in the distance, a wolf howls. I shiver and whistle for Harper. It'd be best to get out of the forest before any monster decides to attack.

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