Chapter 28: Luka's POV

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The next relic? Indiana. We were going to meet Leo Valdez.
"We're almost at the Waystation now!" Jackie exclaimed, I think she was enjoying me being so nice to her. "I can't wait to see Leo, I think you'll love him."
Although I had been at each camp for only a day or two each I'd already heard so much about this Leo kid. I had really high expectations right now. I'm picturing someone about the same height or taller than me, really buff and muscular, probably a ladies man? I'm not sure yet but i'm guessing Jackie's going to flirt with him, just like she did with Maple. Great, I'll be the third wheel again.
"His girlfriend Calypso's pretty cute!" She had a dreamy look in her eyes. Oh so she was gonna hit on both of them? How lovely. Maybe they can have a threesome.
I wasnt shocked that Jackie was bisexual, I actually didn't really care what her sexuality was, but I was just a bit curious. I mean, you do you, I'm not one to judge.
Harper started to descend quickly so I was forced to grab onto Jackie's waist. When we landed I quickly hopped off and grabbed my weapons waiting for Jackie to do the same.
"What's the Waystation?" I asked. I hoped it wasn't the headquarters for some kind of cult, that would be weird.
"It's like a refuge for demigods I guess, but Leo's kinda temporarily living there." She patted Harper on the back and started walking , following the cracked pavement to our right. I'd never really liked Indianapolis, it just wasn't a place I vibed with. I'd come here with my mom once for a reason I can't put my finger on, I'm not sure why, Just can't remember. I do remember that I hated it though.
After about 5 minutes Jackie and I were still walking, and I started to get impatient, why couldn't Harper have just landed right in front of this Waystation place ughH. Suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind me, "Jackie Elway? Is that you? Fancy seeing you in this part of the country, wow!"
Jackie spun around, "Leo!!!! Oh my gods I've missed you!"
The kid that was in front of me was not living up to the hype. He was short, scrawny and had the messiest hair I had ever seen.
Oh. No. The. Hair.
I internally had a tantrum.
Jackie ran over to him and they hugged. I walked up behind her and stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds before she turned around and introduced me. "Leo this is Luka, Luka this is Leo!" I stuck my hand out to shake his, but instead of taking my hand he took a wrench out of the tool belt wrapped around his waist and placed it in my hand.
What. I stood there confused, holding a wrench.
Jackie and Leo burst out laughing. "I'm kiddinggg dude HAHA, you should have seen your face!!!" Wow this kid seemed like he was gonna be a pain in the ass. That wasn't even funny, it was just confusing. He took the wrench out of my hand and put it back in his toolbelt, still chuckling to himself.
The toolbelt.
That's what we were here for. That's Hephaestus' relic. I think Jackie noticed too because she sighed in relief, happy that it was safe.
Leo grinned at us with a smile that made my insides scream: "stay away from this kid or he'll destroy your will to live."
"Why don't you come inside chiquitas, it's almost time for dinner." Chiquitas?? That sounded a lot like something Jackie called me like two days ago. Maybe he rubbed off on her or vice versa.
"Oooh food, I'm starrvingg!" Jackie skipped after him, and they started to talk about the stupidest things. She looked back over her shoulder at me and smirked, "Come on Godzilla, we don't have all year." I rolled my eyes and followed after them.
I don't remember how we got inside or where the entrance to this place was, my mind was pretty fuzzy for some strange reason, but soon we found ourselves inside what Jackie had called the Waystation. It seemed like a normal home to me, I wondered what was so special about it.
"Cal you there?!?" Leo called out. Ahh yes, he was calling for Jackie's next rendezvous.
"Yeah, give me 10 minutes, dinner's almost ready!" Calypso, I'm guessing, replied from somewhere in a different room.
Leo plopped down on a couch and Jackie and I followed.
"Soooooo Jack Jack, what brings you and Luka to this part of our great nation?" Leo asked.
Jack Jack. Hehe. I'm using that.
"Your toolbelt," she leaned forward in her seat. Leo put his hands over it protectively and made a pouty face, "what about it?"
Damn here we go again.
Jackie and I took turns recounting the whole story of the relics and our quest, ending by saying that there were two relics in the area. Leo's toolbelt, which was Hephaestus' relic, and Athena's relic which was some sort of book.
After we finished, Leo blinked a few times processing it all, before nodding his head. "Ighty, well my baby, Mr. Toolbelt is safe right here as you can see, and as for Athena's relic, I can help you find that if it's in the area, but first, lemme take a selfie."
What? A selfie? Was he referencing that stupid ass song?
He cackled, "Just kidding pt. 2 my dude, you really need to get used to the jokes. Anyways, what I meant to say was, let's eat before we do anything. Y'all can stay the night, and then we can go get the relic in the morning. After that you're only left with five relics. Bam."
Jackie nodded her head, "Sounds good Leo!"
Five relics? That's all?
I turned to face him, "One last question, have you ever heard the name Adrestia?" Leo's face darkened, and his smile washed away.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is the moment I realized that Jackie and I were in deep, deep shit.
What a magnificent realization amiright.

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