Chapter 30: Luka's POV

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Whoopsies, teehee.
Not gonna lie, I was a little lightheaded.
It was morning, around 6:30, and Jackie was still fast asleep right on top of me. No we didn't dO it, we just kissed for a while and accidentally ended up falling asleep together. Jackie's arms were wrapped around my torso and her head was buried into my neck. She was snoring a little but honestly it was really cute. For once I didn't care that her hair was a mess. I'm pretty sure mine was too, but I guessed I'd just have to deal with it.
I still didn't like her though, I'd just have to tell her that I was stressed and looking for a way to escape the world. Because I was.
As I was walking back to my room last night I kept thinking about my ex girlfriend. I missed her.
Jackie was a rebound.
I didn't really think much when I came back to her room after we ran into each other in the kitchen, I just knew that I wanted to forget. Forget my mom, forget Cassidy, just forget. And it worked, but my stupid ass didnt think about the future consequences. Jackie and I still had to complete this quest and I couldn't have her wanting to date me. For my sake and for hers.
I rubbed gentle circles on Jackie's back, feeling really bad for leading her on.
"Jackie are you awake?" A girl's voice sounded from the hallway, and I could hear footsteps approaching the door.
Shit shit shit,
Before I could push her off of me, Calypso walked in. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening, before a playful smile formed on her face.
"HmMm well I hope you two got at least a little sleep last night," she giggled, "Luka why don't you go get dressed, I'll wake up Jackie and we'll see you at breakfast in half an hour."
I nodded, my cheeks hot, as I left the room. I really was not in the mood to think about any of this right now, so I blocked out my thoughts, trying to focus on anything bUt Jackie.
I brushed my teeth and changed my shirt. I was already wearing my jeans because I ended up falling asleep in them, which is fine though because they're comfortable. I really don't mind sleeping in jeans, and I don't get all these pUssies who are all like, "omg I can't sleep in jeans because they're so uncomfortable." Like suck it the fuck up ya wimp, its just jEANS!
I grabbed my backpack and bow and arrow and made my way into the kitchen. Leo and Calypso were already there, and as soon as Leo saw me he started to cackle.
"Have fun last night Luka? How was it? Adequate? It's always fun while in the middle of a life or death quest. Almost like a horror movie ya know? Like pretty much every horror movie consists of the characters either screaming and running away, or having s-!"
Calypso cut him off, "Leo!!" She wacked him on the arm, and I rolled my eyes, lashing back, "Good thing this isn't a horror movie and we didn't do anything that you're implying. How about you do me a favour you little dwarf," I said looking straight at Leo with a menacing look on my face, feeling like a sassy little bitch, "Don't you dare say anything to Jackie or I'll take your precious little tool belt and sling it to hell. That means we fail our quest, and that means that everyone dies, so say bye bye to your girlfriend dwarfy cause I guess that's the end of her."
Leo looked dumbfounded. "Damn Luka you really did me like that-" He stood for a minute face blank, I was scared I went a bit too far for a second. That happens sometimes. I say something with the intent of just getting my way but then people get offended and I get pulled into drama. Good thing this guy has a sense of humour because he started to laugh really hard. Calypso started to laugh with him, until they were both so out of breath and clutching their stomachs that I thought they were going to fall over.
"Wow, uh, what's going on?" Jackie walked in, peeking over at me and smiling all cute. How could I tell her that I wasn't ready for a relationship and that I didn't like her in that way? Ugh, dilemmas. I really hate them.
Leo waited till he had stopped wheezing before saying, "Luka's just being a funny guy that's all, he must really make things interesting." Jackie smiled.
"He does."
Don't catch feelings for me Jackie, you'll really regret it.
"Anyways," Calypso chuckled, "Let me start on breakfast! Do eggs sound ok?" We all nodded our heads in agreement. I sat down on a barstool and laced my hands together, placing them on the counter. Jackie sat right next to me, our knees touching.
"So do you two live here alone? I mean, isn't it illegal for underage teenagers to live alone?" I asked, trying to make small talk to ignore Jackie right beside me.
"Nahh, the people who run this place went on a little holiday with their daughter, we're only alone for a week." Leo answered.
I nodded my head, "Kewl."
Calypso started humming while the rest of us sat in awkward silence. Within 10 minutes, breakfast was ready. Calypso dished out the scrambled eggs with toast, the delicious smell wafting over me. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now, and I think Jackie was feeling the same way because we both inhaled our food.
"Wooow slow down love birds," Leo smirked.
That's it. This kid is not cutting it for me. I was so so so close to walking over to him and shaking him like a fucking rag doll. He was so annoying.
Jackie blushed while I just sat there staring at my empty plate.
She was finally the one to break the silence, "We should leave as soon as possible. If we hurry, maybe we can get two relics today."
Wow, what wishful thinking. That could only happen if the relic is not in another far away state.   
"Yeah we should go," I said standing up from the stool I was sitting on. Jackie and Leo followed my lead. We put our plates in the sink since Calypso insisted that she would clean them..
"I'll stay behind, you three go get the relic, or relics." Calypso said, walking over to Leo and kissing him. He grinned, looking a little like a puppy who'd just been given a treat.
"¡Vamanos!" He gestured for us to follow him. Jackie hugged Calypso goodbye and then we both picked up our bags and weapons and followed Leo out the front door.
"So where are we going?" Leo asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"A library that's supposed to be really close to here. You know of any?" Jackie asked.
"Yup! There's actually only one in town and it's only a five minute walk! Cal makes me go with her all the time."
We followed Leo on the pavement as he took us to the library. Jackie and Leo chatted the whole way, and within a couple minutes we reached the library. It was a normal looking library to be honest, I don't know why I always assume the destination of the relics will be something special. Stepping in front of my two, very short companions, I said, "Ighty, let's get this bread."
"What does he mean?" I heard Leo whisper behind me.
"I have no clue, but I just tend to ignore him."
If that ain't the fattest mood though. I chuckled to myself, opening the library doors.

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