Chapter 15: Jackie's POV

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We touch down in a field of grape vines and dismount Harper, then start heading towards the vineyard inn. So far, there's no sight of anybody. That's a bit strange, but I just try to shake off the uneasiness that I'm feeling.

"So... uh... what happened back there?" Luka asks as we trudge towards the inn. The hell is he talking about now?

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I mean the thing where you ran away, acted like you hated me, and then fell asleep. On me." Oh. Thaaaaat. Shit, I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mutter and walk a little faster.

"Jackie stop doing this thing where you shut me out whenever you don't want to talk about something. It's stupid and rEally frustrating."

"Yeah well you know what else is frustrating? Finally getting to go on a quest, and on the very first day, having Annabeth bring up my mom and make me feel like shit again. That's frustrating," I retort.

"Oh," Well that shut him up. Or so I thought. "Okay I'm sorry about that but what was with you being nice to me for a second there before you fell asleep?" He raises an eyebrow. Uggghhhh I didn't want to talk about this!

"I don't know what you mean," I decide that pretending like it never happened is the safest option. "Now shut up already. We're here." He opens his mouth like he wants to reply but thinks the better of it and closes it again. We walk into the Vineyard Inn, which doesn't look like it's in the best shape. Upon entering, We find the place to be empty and pretty dusty. Whoever takes care of this place doesn't do a very good job.

"Alright, listen up," I say to Luka, "I think we should split up and each look for the relic. Supposedly it's some sort of chalice or wine glass. We'll meet back here in the foyer once we find it. Okay?"

"Yeah," he nods, "But what if something goes wrong? I don't know if splitting up is safe."

"Eh it'll be fine. Just yell if anything weird happens, 'kay? I'll go that way," I point down a hallway that stretches to our left, "and you go down the other hallway."

"Alright... just... be careful," Luka looks nervous, so I just roll my eyes.

"Pshh I'll be fine. See you in a bit!" With that I head down the hallway to the left, and begin searching the rooms that line the left hand side of the wall. I search each room endlessly, finding nothing of interest. It's got to be around here somewhere. I've been searching for like 20 minutes already. Aghhhhhhhh, this is so frustrating! I've reached the end of the dusty hallway in this crappy inn. I've checked every single room for a wine glass, and despite being at a winery, there hasn't been a single glass in this building. Maybe Luka found it? No, he would've called me. I consider going back to check on him and make sure he hasn't fucked anything up, but I don't want to turn up empty handed.

Sighing. I turn around and walk back down the hallway in the direction I came from, lazily running my hand along the wall across from the doors to the rooms as I go, dust cascading off it. Jeez, somebody really needs to take better care of this place. It looks like nobody's even been down this hall in years. I'm about halfway down the hallway when my fingers catch on something on the wall. Huh, that's strange. I stop, leaning close to the wood of the wall to inspect it further. I easily identify it as pine... which also happens to be the sacred wood of Dionysus. Coincidence? I think not. Those years of nature survival lessons at camp had finally paid off. I run my fingers back over the wood and notice a little ridge sticking out. Hmmm... I push on it and it slides back into the wooden panel. For a second, nothing happens, and I just stand there. Suddenly, I hear a loud creeeeaaak and part of the wood paneling slides backwards and to the right like some sort of magic sliding door. What the...

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