Chapter 22: Luka's POV

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I feel like a crap bucket that's been put in a laundry machine, that has a hammer, that's pounding seventy three trillion nails into my whole body. Feeling great on this fine day!

"Nice to see you're alive loser." I heard Jackie grumble from behind me.

Wow! Now not only does it feel like I'm dying, it feels like I'm already dead! Jackie really has that amazing effect on me.

I groaned not saying anything in response.

But then I remembered. "Jackie, fuck, did you get the relic?"

We were flying on Harper, me in the front and Jackie right behind me, her arms wrapped around my torso.

"Of course I did, I'm not stupid Luka, I wouldn't have just left it there." She sounded irritated, loosening her grip on me.

"Just making sure." I mumbled. We continued flying in silence for a while. I didn't want to ask Jackie what had happened just yet though. I knew that whatever had happened she had saved me, because the last thing I remember is being crushed by the ceiling of a cave. Love that for me. I didn't have to ask her anyway, because right then she started telling me. Without even checking to see if I was listening to her, she went on this whole rant about how I almost died and if she wasn't there then I would have been free meat for any monster that wanted me. She then yelled at me for going off at Maple and entering the cave alone. My head started to hurt even more. Then, of course, she started teasing me.

"I can't even believe you were that stupid! You couldn't have gotten out there without me. What did you think was going to happen when you grabbed the torch? Nothing? Pfffft didn't you learn anything after I got cursed? Look who's saving who's ass now! Ohhh how the tables have turned!"

I swore at her in Italian. In my head it was always so much more effective in my mother tongue, even if the person I was swearing at didn't understand me.

"What'd you say?" She seemed confused. "Doesn't matter." I answered, gritting my teeth. Jackie sighed, "Anyways, we're just finding a good spot to settle for the night, and Luka?"

I turned my head behind me to look at her. "What?" She had a weird expression on her face.

Jackie tucked a peice of hair behind her ear, "We need to talk about the prophecy, about our plan, and about everything, you know?"

I nodded my head, "That's what I've been trying to say this whole time."

She rolled her eyes, "Well we don't want another incident like tonight, ok? We can't split up anymore, and most importantly, we need to work together." That was a really fair point, so I just nodded my head in agreement.

"Note to self: don't let Jackie leave you to find a relic on her own because she will most definitely get drunk." I smirked looking ahead of me, into the night sky.

She poked the back of my head. "Note to self: dont let Luka leave you to find a relic on his own because he will most definitley be a useless fuck."

I was not in the right state of mind to argue with her even more right now. We flew over a secluded campground that looked like it wasn't occupied with anyone and could be safe, so I signaled for Harper to land. He landed in the middle of an empty camp site, and as soon as he touched the ground I yanked Jackie's arms from around my waist and hopped off of Harper, running to a bush a little ways off to throw up.

Head injury. Again, love that for me.

"Oh how the tables have turned!" I heard Jackie giggle from behind me.

"Shut up Jackie, you're not funny." She looked hurt. Whatever, She'll get over it.

Jackie stormed back over to Harper, throwing her backpack to the ground and taking out her sleeping bag. I followed her, getting out my water bottle and chugging it all down. I'm going to have to get that refilled soon.

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