Chapter 18: Luka's POV

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Jackie was asleep in the other bed, looking pretty drained out. I should probably go to sleep too but I can't. I keep thinking about what happened earlier today. I fought Pentheus and won. Yeah. That's cool. But I can't stop thinking about how easy it was.

Who am I kidding, that's not why I can't sleep, if anything I was just happy that we got the first relic. The reason I couldn't sleep is because of Jackie. Did she HAVE to be that cute?? Like seriously, I really don't need to get a crush on her.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I have a crush on her, I think I have a crush on her appearance. I hate that. It's so low of me. Our personalities aren't compatible, I know that. Plus I'm really not looking for a relationship right now.

Relationships. I've been in a few. Two to be exact.

The first girl I ever dated was in 8th grade, her name was Emily. Blonde hair, blue eyes, honestly just imagine any stereotypical blonde hair blue eyed eighth grade girl, and that was her.

She was my first kiss too.

I remember that it was at her best friend's birthday party. We snuck out of the house and into the backyard behind a tree to talk. At that point we had already been "dating" if that's what you want to call it, for about 3 weeks. I don't remember what we were talking about, but all of a sudden she leaned over and kissed me. We stayed like that for about a minute until she pulled away, blushed, and ran back inside the house giggling.

The thing I remember the most vividly from that night though, is the amount of spit she injected into my mouth. I had to spit into the bush before going inside to wash my mouth out in the bathroom.

If you haven't already figured out, I'm kinda OCD.

I dumped her a month later. She was just a tERRIBLE kisser.

The second girl was better. This time she had blonde hair and green eyes. She was a better kisser at least. And wanna know the fun part? She was Emily's best friend. The one who's birthday party we made out at.

Her name was Cassidy.

We broke up right after mom died. She dumped me because I was apparently "too emotional" and "wasn't hanging out with her enough".

What an icon.

Why am I even thinking about this shit? I need to sleep, otherwise I won't be able to thrive tomorrow.

Pushing all the negative thoughts about Jackie, my past girlfriends, and Penthouse aside, I lowered my head on the pillow and fell asleep straight away.

No dreams. Thank the gods.

And before I knew it, I was awake.

The sun had started to seep in through the curtain, and I shifted so the light would hit my face. That energized me, getting me on my feet and to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and got presentable for another day of literal hell.

When I went back into the room, Jackie was still fast asleep.

Time to wake up the snake.

I walked over and gently shook her, trying not to trigger her because, remember boys, girls are snakes and can pounce at any given moment.

Luckily, this snake was still mildly hung over. She groaned and rolled over covering her face with a pillow.

"I don't wanna wakkee upp," the pillow muffled her voice.

"We have to go Jackie, time is wasting."

She threw the pillow across the room and got up, stomping over to the bathroom.

Awe she reminds me of a puppy. Tiny and whiny.


Wow, get prepared for me to start reciting poetry all of a sudden.

I decided to wait outside with Harper, the sun was shining and I loved soaking it in when I had the chance. It always made me feel so empowered. I guess that's a bonus point for being an Apollo kid.

I knocked on the bathroom door and told Jackie that I'd be outside with Harper, leaving without waiting for a response.

Harper was still asleep when I got to the patch of grass she was resting on, but she must have heard my footsteps because she got up, nuzzling her beak into my cheek.

We both sat down again, sitting under the bright sun and listening to the sounds of the wind and little critters flying around.

I had a sudden urge to play the guitar.

No. I don't want to think of her.

I blocked out my thoughts, telling my stupid inconsiderate brain to shut the fuck up.

Instead, I thought of nothing, simply just enjoying my time in the sun.

But of course, as life as a demigod goes, Jackie Elway is obligated to ruin any peace and quiet that I have.

I heard her voice before I saw her, "get up loser, no time to be lazy."

I swear to all the gods, this kid.

"Hey short stuff, I guess you don't remember the time that you were so drunk you couldn't function?" Maybe not the best comeback since she looked like she was about to murder me. Nothing new.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Short."

Too late.

I smirked and climbed up onto Harper's back, securing all our bags and things. Jackie still looked really grumpy, and she just stood there, arms crossed, scowling up at me.

I sighed, she's probably still kind of hung over, but I don't have anything on me that would help with that.

Oh wait.

I'm having a Luka is stupid moment right now, I totally forgot about the thing that Frank gave me called Ambrosia. Maybe that will help her, and her overflowing grump.

I reached into my backpack and brought out the pouch full of ambrosia, breaking off a small price to give to Mrs. Snake.

She gave me a death glare before snatching it out of my hand and gulping it down. Without saying another word she got on Harper and signaled for him to take off.

Once again we were up high in the sky, except this time it felt more magical. Maybe because I was more used to being a demigod now, or maybe because the weather was amazing, whatever it was though, I felt great.

"We're going to Virginia by the way," Jackie yelled back at me, "to get Demeter's relic."

This honestly felt more like a tour across America then a quest. We really were going to fly over almost every state.

I cursed in Italian. Wait, did I forget to mention that I'm Italian? Well, I am. Surprise.

"Cool," I answered, not wanting to trigger her by being sassy.

A couple of hours later, after a nice ride on Harper, we started to descend, landing on the outskirts of a forest.

Jackie and I got off of Harper, staring into the thick bushes and trees.

"We're here I guess," Jackie mumbled.

Oop- for no apparent reason, the sass was back in me, and this time I didn't want to hold it back.

"Hey Jackie?" She looked at me, confused, "Promise me you won't get drunk this time, I don't need you calling me cute again."

Her face went beet red, and that was enough satisfaction for me to start waking into the forest. 

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