Chapter 18

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Jake's POV

He saw it. There's nothing I can do now. He knows that I bought a wedding ring. I think about what I said to him. "What's in it for you..." I think of the crushed look on his face. And I didn't want to remember the way he looked at me when I told him to leave.

I couldn't bare the way his bottom lip trembled and his chocolate brown eyes watered. The way his hair looked, messy from him running his fingers through it. I have to apologize. I called, over and over. He never picked up. I peeled myself off my puddle of vomit and changed my clothes. I will clean that later. I have to catch Tom before it's too late. But my apartment bust open.

"Jake! I'm killing you!" It was Jay. She smacked me upside the head. "Ouch!" I yelped. She smacked me again. "Are you an idiot!" She yelled and smacked me again. I nod. "Yes! I am!"

She sighs and grabs cleaning supplies. "You can't chase after him if you look like that. Shower. Now." She gets to scrubbing the floor and I feel kinda bad. I shower quickly and then join her. She's making me a bowl of cereal. "Eat. Explain." She demands.

I nod and she scoots the bowl over to me. "I panicked."

"Like hell you did." She spats, brows furrowed in anger. I cower down a bit. "I want to marry him... I bought him a ring, Jay. It was stupid-" She squeals excitedly before going back to being angry. "Okay, continue." She says.

"I was thinking about the what ifs. What if he said no... I... didn't want him to be the one who ended it and left me, so I did. I said some really shitty things... Jay... what am I supposed to do?" I ask.

She smiles, ruffling my wet hair. "Sometimes, you have to go for it. You'll never know what would happen if you never go for it. Because what if, he said yes." She says. I sob pathetically into my cereal bowl.

Tom's cute face plagues my brain again. I miss his cute pouty lips and his pretty brown puppy dog eyes, and his curly honey brown hair. The color was so beautiful on him. I miss him...

I found myself at Will's apartment. "Lemme in!" I pound on the door, desperately. When it opened. Tom stood, dark bags under his red rimmed eyes. "Tom-"

"Why are you here." He sounded choked by a sob. I instinctively tried to cup his soft cheek but he pulled back. "Leave me alone... you told me to leave." He says, eyes flashing with an emotion I can't read.

"Tom, please. I need you back. I can't live without you-"

"I'm sure you can." He says, smiling. "Unfortunately I don't need your money." He says, spitting the words like it was venom on his tongue. I watch him slam the door and I bang on the door. "Lemme in!" I call. A neighbor yells out his door at me to shut up.

The door opens and Tom looks even worst. "Leave- mmph!" I pressed my lips to his and he faltered at first before melting into my arms. He throws himself up onto me, wrapping one leg around my waist, trying to get a better angle to kiss me.

We pull back, gasping for air.

"You're an asshole." Tom says. I nod. "I know..."

I glance at the three boys, eyeing me with hate. I grab the small box from my pocket and Tom's eyes widen. "Thomas Stanley Holland... I love you. I can't let you slip away from me..." I feel tears roll down my cheeks, despite my desperate attempts to keep them in.

Tom lets out a sad little sob, and I can't help but think he looks cute. "Will you marry me?" I ask.

He squeezes his eyes shut. "I wanted this to be way more romantic-" I start to say, but Tom giggles, wiping his tears. "Yes..." I stop and stare.


"God, yes!" He exclaimed, the neighbor who yelled at me earlier staring at us with a bowl of cereal in his hands. I smile and he throws himself into my arms again, kissing me softly. "I'll fucking marry you, you meanie head." He says, hugging me.

I take the ring from the box and slip it onto his thin finger. He smiles, wiping tears away. "I love you..." I tell him. He nods. "You know, fuck you. God, you are amazing. An asshole, but amazing."

AKA My BoyfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant