Chapter 16

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We were on that stage of our relationship where we were either fucking or sleeping as of right now. Currently, we had just fucked and were about to sleep. When I saw it. In his nightstand when he opened it up to put his reading glasses in it. A small box.

Unmistakably the kind that usually has an engagement ring inside. I panicked. "Gotta go... to the restroom! Haha, I'll be right back!"

That couldn't be real, could it? Surely it was just some other thing that goes in an engagement ring box... But now that I think about it, only engagement rings go in engagement ring boxes.

I blush and and lean against the bathroom counter for support, my body feeling heavy. Did Jake really love me that much? Enough to buy a wedding ring? Sure, he probably spent more money on me than himself lately, but wedding rings are expensive. They go up to 2 grand.

I feel like the world shifted under me. But... I can't get married... I'm still in college. Surely he had something else in there. I will refuse to think that he would possibly think of marrying me. I walk back in the room, expecting Jake to be waiting for me with a concerned face, but I am met with his quiet snores. Lucky me.

A peek would never hurt...

I open his nightstand, pushing aside the misc objects he has inside, including his glasses, some Tylenol cuz the dude would literally take them anytime he felt a slight inconvenience pain. I grab the box and open it.

Before I can even get a look at it, a loud snore from Jake startled me and I jump, almost dropping the box, but catching it, just to drop it again. Me and Jake locked eyes. Jake bolted up frantically, yanking the box off the floor. "What are you doing?!" He yells, holding the box away.

I still didn't get to see. "Nothing-"

Jake runs into the bathroom with the box and I cower down a tad. Jake walks back out without the box. "Curiousity killed the cat you know." He warns me. I nod. "I just-"

I have no excuses. I was snooping through his stuff, and I shouldn't have. He smiled. "It's fine. Just... don't sneak around, Tom..." He says. I nod. He grabs me and we sink into the soft duvet together. He presses a kiss to my forehead, our naked bodies pressed against each other.

"Now, go to sleep." He whispers, hugging me closer. I snuggle into his warmth, trying to focus on sleep, but I can't. I need to know what was in that box.


The next morning, Jake is so nervous that it's actually concerning me. He can barely look at me. "Um, I'm gonna go to the store, I'll get those weird cookies you like." I tell him, grabbing my phone. I wait for a taxi and head to the aisles of food.

We need milk and peanut butter. Also a whole bunch of other stuff, including Jake's shampoo, (cuz he uses so much of it, which I tell him to not use so much but he doesn't listen) and, shaving cream cuz how else would Jake stay on fleek? He complains like a bitch every single time he skips his shave day and he says he looks like a crazy mountain man. (Which doesn't sound too bad to me, he would be sexy as fuck)

I grab those cookies, which have that Kebler elf on it, which stares at me creepily and buy it. When I came back home, the apartment seemed empty.

"Jake?" I set out stuff on the counter. "Ja-"

"Mrighere." He says, and I have no clue what he said. He peels himself off the couch, drunk. "Why are you even with me?" He slurs.

The question took me by surprise. Because I love him. But he seems to be doubting it. "I like you-"


I stepped back. "Jake-"

"Jake." He mocks, taking a swig of beer. "I'm not an idiot. People don't just stay with me cuz they like me, Tom." He says, tears in his eyes. "So what in this for you?" He slurs, slumping over. "Money? Cuz that's all it ever is." He says.

My heart breaks. I can't believe he just said that to me. Jake doubles over, scrambling away from the couch but he projectiles vomit across the wood flooring, before he can stop himself. I rush over to help him but he holds his hand out.

"No, you should just go." He says harshly. I feel my bottom lip wobble involuntarily as tears cloud my vision.

"Fine..." I say. I rush out of the apartment and paid for another taxi. I have absolutely nowhere to stay. So I pick up my phone and dial...

"Tom?" The voice sounded angry.

"Mom... I know you told me never to call... I'm so sorry. I screwed up. Can I please stay with you?" I begged. I was met with silence before it hung up. I hung my head and cried. I have absolutely no one.

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