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"Is there anything you need? Coz I will legit get you anything? I will anal someone to get it for you" Luke rambled on, i nudged him. "EW! I wouldn't LET you anal someone you cock block!" I smirked and hugged Luke again. "Okay, now don't freak out, but we didn't exactly tell your mum..." He started, my eyes widened.

"What!? So i was in a mini coma, almost dead and you didn't tell her!?" He shook his head. I hugged him really tight, "THANK YOU" I said firmly to him, I forgot we were standing outside his house and getting whistles from Beau. "Thank you?" He looked confused I giggled a little. "You really think mum would let me see you again after what happened?" He tensed up, I could tell he still blamed himself.

"Yeah, true - but what about your bruising?" He questioned. "I ran into a pole, i'm soooo clumsy" He let out a laugh, picked me up and carried me inside. "Drinks? Food? Sex from Luke?" Beau asked coming up to me. I let out a laugh and slapped him. "Water will be fine, and the 3rd option? not today." I said winking, Luke faked being hurt, I chuckled and plopped down on the couch. "So ma lady, human centipede it is?" Luke said looking at the TV. My eyes widened and a grin formed on my face. "YES!?" I always had a thing for disgusting movies like The Human Centipede, it runs in the family. "Where's Maddi Lukeey?" Luke looked at me once he put the disk in. "She was devastated, so she went home, wanna call her?" He handed me my phone.

Bold - Maddi

Normal - Alyssa.

 "Hello? Luke? Is Lyssa ok!?"

"Guess who sisterlaaaay"


"What? You want me dead!?"

"NO! You know what I mean! You woke up?!"

"Yeeeeep! I'm at Lukeey's now"

The phone hung up, I knew I would be seeing ma twin ASAP. "So babe, did you hear everything?" I knew he was referring to the coma, I nodded and cuddled into his chest. "I really do love you to Luke" I felt him smile against my head, and I was just falling asleep when the door burst open. "ALYSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Maddi high pitched screamed, I shit myslef and fell of the couch. "Lyss! You okay?" Luke helped me up, and I was wrapped in a hug between Maddi and Luke. "Guys-Cant-Breathe" I muttered, they let me go. "Twin, I thought you were gonna die for sure!" Maddi exclaimed giving me anouther hug. 

"Cover story?" Maddi new what I was talking about, we always made up cover stories for mum when something bad happened. "You went camping with Luke and tripped over a log" She said with a smile I nodded and sat back down. "OOOO OUR FAV MOVIE!" Maddi yelled and plopped down on my right, Luke was on my left. 

I layed my head on Luke's chest and felt him hold me tight, I let out a chuckle when I realized how lucky I was to have all these people around me. "Why'd you laugh?" Luke asked softly, "Nothing nothing" I said back in a whisper and drifted off to sleep. (:


You can just stab me in the boob. PLUS I need a girlfriend for Beau, Skip, and James - COMMENT! <3

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