The Final Series of Training

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Christian followed Imani's father to the door leading to his basement. He opened the door to an arena with a metal floor and a domed ceiling. There was a bullet proof glass on one side with Imani and David sitting in plush seats, each waving and eating cheese doodles.

Christian stepped in slowly looking at his surroundings and Imani's father said " Draw your sword, Christian. Time to train." Christian drew his sword and he didn't know what to expect, but metal blocks started to pop out from the ground and move towards him. "No powers, just swing that piece of metal in your hand and slice the target blocks". He instructed.

Christian ran to the first out of the 6 blocks and sliced it in half. The next he jumped over and sliced the side of the third. Then, he looked to his side and jumped up so that the second and the fourth didn't crush him and there force crushed each other.

Christian looked for the last two but couldn't find them. He looked up and seen them in the air. The cubes exploded into a swarm of smaller cubes that took the form of a wave that started to hurtle towards Christian. The Shinra started to glint a shade of blue and the swarm of cubes started to move in at the pace of a snail. Christian looked around and saw David and Imani also standing up very slow. He jumped up and destroyed every cube in his path. When he landed, the broken debris of cubes fell to the ground as Christian sheathed his sword.


"What do you mean, Hidden Mercenary? There's no such person."said the guy on the opposite side of the campfire. There was three of them in the dense woods. One was sharpening his sword in silence, while the other two were talking about current events.

"I'm telling you, they all died. Wheelers top guys were slaughtered. The authorities still classified it as a non- aura user. That's impossible! How can you kill his elite guard with no abilities?!"

The guy sharpening his sword looked up. "Maybe he had a powerful weapon on hand that they weren't expecting." The other two looked at him with faces of disbelief. "Come on, not this again. Nobody has seen Shinra in over a thousand years. It's only a legend now. Where ever the third Elder put it you can best believe his reincarnation found it by now, and he'd be stupid to show his face alone."said the man, lighting a cigarette.

Suddenly, blood spattered the man's face, and the two looked to see the young swordsman's head on the ground. The last two men stood up and both of them dropped to the ground in half. A cloaked figure looked into the swordsman's pocket and found a note with a location.

The figure thought "I'm coming for you." And just like that, the hooded figure disappeared from the scene.

Imani's father clapped his hands. "Your father would be very proud of you right now." He said, putting his hand on Christian's shoulder.

"Of course I am, Marcus."

Everyone turned to the entrance of the training area to Christian's father standing there with a broad smile on his face.

He came into the arena and you could feel his energy warm the place as he stared at his son with tears in his eyes." He's got your talents with a sword, Chris. He'll be a deadly man after a bit more training" Marcus said, and for some reason he looked at Chris with a murderous grin.

"Do you think we should show them how the grown-ups practice?" said Marcus. Chris didn't pull out a sword, but an all black broad sword just materialized in his hand. "I hope you're still keeping up with your training old friend."

Marcus and Chris both disappeared into the center of the training area, swinging their blades like men at war.

Christian's P.O.V.

I never expected this to happen. My father in the flesh. Fighting my girlfriend's father of all people! This is so crazy. I feel like I'm in a dream. He's really good with the sword. The way he fights is exactly how Imani and Amenata described it : merciless.

End of P.O.V.

"Whooooooooo! Kick his ass Dad!!!"cheered Imani from the stands. Christian gave her a "What the fuck!?"look. He barely knew this guy that was fighting her father. He just didn't feel right cheering.

Chris and Marcus backed away from each other out of breath and Chris said. "Maybe we should finish this later." Right after Marcus gave a nod Chris teleported to Christian and said "I see you have grown up and now you're fighting for the cause. It takes a lot of strength to leave your comfort zone." Christian almost laughed. "It wasn't hard at all. I thought I could find my purpose in leaving. I simply took the opportunity." Christian said.

Chris took his arm and they teleported to the outside porch where they both took seats on the bench. All Christian could say was "I thought it was you." His father looked at the ground." I could never do that to your mother, my wife. One of Wheeler's followers pinned the murder on me. I was so distraught I couldn't do anything but go with the authorities. To this day I think about her. I love her."

Christian could only stare. He never knew how he would feel but he could only feel sympathy for the grown man next to him crying. He put his hand on his shoulder. "Dad, we have a job to do then. We have to find him." His father looked up at him and said "You already have. They call him Sin. He has the power of ice like Wheeler, but he can also turn into steel. He's the lieutenant to the army Wheeler's building. Headlines talked about three kids who escaped in ragged pajamas. By the way, where's Amenata?"

Christian explained how Amenata taught him and how she left with one of Wheeler's followers. Chris was shocked." Amenata? That sounds unbelievable. There has to be a logical explanation for this."

Amenata's P.O.V.

I hope they haven't figured it out. If I can get close enough I could end this. I can sense his energy. Christian met his father in New York. About time. I hope he doesn't put it together.

This guy is too close. I won't be able to do anything. If I can sit with him alone for just two seconds....

"Hello, Amenata. We finally meet. Have a seat . You can leave Sin. I want to talk with her in private." His voice was deep and cold. The brute left the dimly lit room and closed the door. Wheeler gave me a broad smile." How did it feel to show your true colors to them?" He asked. I had to laugh. He truly thinks I'm a traitor.

"Like setting free all of my insecurities. It was a liberating feeling." I said. He's vulnerable. He's laughing uncontrollably. I can just build my energy and blow this whole place up. In the end only one sacrifice will be made to save the world.....mine.

"Wheeler?" I said with a tear in my eye. He looked over and stopped laughing." Well what's the matter?" He asked.

Amenata's body started to glow and she said "Fuck you."

All she could think of was the faces of Imani, Christian, and his father as she used all of her life force to wipe out everything within 100 miles.

The Mystic Formationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें