Something to Believe in...

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Christian's eyes started to glow blue and at the same time the sky started getting dark. Amenata was on one knee from being drained and she said " This is....all you. Kick Wheeler in the face for me..." and with those words she fainted to the ground.

Christian knew what was coming. A massive surge of power that could drive him out of his mind. He geared up for it but could never prepare for what happened.

Christian's face started to glow with bright blue symbols that started to crawl all over his body. His hair turned from white back to black. His body started to hover as his mind was quickly swept away. He teleported in a wink of light into the tomb. Two inches from Wheeler's face.

"Is there something you want to say to me, Christian?" Wheeler said as smoke started to flood the tomb and worked it's way into the coffins of the Elders. Christian shook his head like he remembered the name from somewhere but he was confused as to how it was so familiar. He looked at Wheeler and asked "Christian?" He looked at his surroundings and as he saw a fist punch through and destroy a coffin lid he came to his sences. He looked at his glowing hands and figured out that it worked.

"Yes, that's your name right?" Wheeler said with a small laugh and said "Kill him! Defend me my souless soldiers. Make the man that stands before you pay for desecrating your tomb!" Christian was livid as he pulled out his sword. Before he could do anything, the dead, cold foot of Simon kicked Christian in the back and took his sword. Christian got up from the ground instantly and thought "Not this time. Your going down." Christian teleported to the ground directly above the tomb and seconds later all 5 undead elders stood before him.

Simon ran at Christian and punched him in the face, but it didn't affect him. Christian stood still, unphased by the attack. Christian teleported into the air and gigantic fireballs materialized all around him and rained on the elders the size of wrecking balls. The elders scattered and started to power up.

As the oldest of them was about to teleport to Christian a flash of light blinded everyone. As Christian regained himself, he could see the man pulling himself off the ground as David flew up to Christian. "Thought I was gonna leave you with these monsters? My God, how do we kill them?" Asked David. "We don't!" said Imani as she swooped in and drop kicked the second elder, breaking her spine. "You and David stay here and keep them busy while me and A kill Wheeler!"

Christian suddenly wasn't on the battlefield anymore. He was at a crossroads between revenge and following orders. He knew his power was growing, and he knew that Wheeler would be powerless to stop him if he wanted to avenge his mother's death. He was going to fulfill the promise he made to Amenata when they first met.

"David, I can't entertain these corpses with you. I have a something more important to do. Give me 10 minutes." Christian teleported and instantly saw Wheeler with his undead brother Sin. He cracked a smile and turned into a steele superhuman. He jumped into the air and came crashing down. Christian teleported to Wheeler and engulfed him in a fiery prison, and he walked off while 10 large, asteroid-sized balls of fire made impact with it. He teleported ten miles away from them and he could still see the gigantic explosion. Wind was blowing and the earth was shaking violently as each one touched down. Christian felt a huge burden leave him, just like when he left home. He couldn't sense any evil presence, which meant Wheeler and his brother was long gone.

Christian sat on the ground and started to laugh. He finally achieved his goal. He looked down to see his sword materialize at his feet. The ghosts of all five elders stood before him.

"You are truly what the prophecy proclaimed you to be. A saviour that would extinguish evil. On the behalf of all the Elders, we are truly greatful." Said the first Elder. "I told it was a dream, you old fart." Said the third Elder. He put a hand on Christian's shoulder and a faint white glow covered him. "You are the protector of this world now. I have sealed the power you have aquired from the other mystics. I'm sure that they won't be jealous. Use it well." He said with a smile.

"We all need to stop meddling in this era. Our time has long since past to pass judgement. It's these young people's time now." Said the second Elder, walking away.

They all did the same thing and, one by one they disappeared. Christian got up and Imani teleported in Christian's arms."It's been such a long's finally over."

"Hey I had to hold off those monsters and I don't get a hug well fuck y'all." Said David as he flew down. Amenata teleported just after he said that, grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. "Guess I spoke too soon." He said, looking surprised.

"My son, the hero of this world. You have to tell me how you did it." Christian's father said with a smile on his face and his chest swelled up with pride." Well I made things explode. Sorry I didn't get a kick in but I got a whole mountain-sized fireball in there just for you, Amenata." Christian said as the symbols on his body disappeared as he powered down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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