Dutch Spidey part 2

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I'm really sorry, I know I said the next day but I got sick... I'm so sorryyyyyyy. But here's part 2

They arrived at the MedBay. Tony carried Peter with the help of the teacher to a Medbed. 

"Mister Stark I'm the new tour guide." Some guy said.

"Yes thank you, this is the group and here's the route." Tony gave the guy the route. "You..." Tony pointed at Ned. "Are you Peter his friend?" 

"Yes, sir." Ned replied

"You can stay. The rest of you enjoy the tour." The rest of the class left with the new tour guide. 

The doctors started to look at Peter's head. After a few silent moments, one of the doctors spoke up. 

"The boy is okay. We think he just passed out of not having enough food. His wound is already closed up. I think he will wake up soon." Tony was relieved, he was glad the kid was okay. The doctor turned to Ned. "Do you know how much he ate today?"

"Uh, in the morning he ate breakfast. We were supposed to eat lunch while the bus trip here, but he was asleep so he didn't eat lunch." Ned explained, the doctor took some notes. 

"Greg (the doctor),  help!" Everyone turned around to see what was wrong. "The kid started vomiting and is now choking on it!" Greg immediately started to work. He turned Peter on his side since Peter was still vomiting he couldn't do anything else. 

A few moments later

Peter shot up, wild awake. Everything seems different. It was all so bright and loud. Peter was pushed back in a laying position by Tony. Tony inspected the kid's face, he was blinking very slowly. Tony looked at Ned.

"Peter hoe voel je je? (Peter how are you feeling?)" Ned asks.

"Huh? (Huh?)" Peter was responding slowly, trying to focus on Ned. Ned saw Peter was struggling to focus on him, so he put Peter his glasses on Peter's face. This made his brain a bit calmer. 

"Peter, gaat het? (Peter are you okay?)" Ned tries again. 

"Beetje wazig. Maar ja. Wat is er gebeurt? (Bit uh blurry. But yeah. What happened?)" Peter responded. Ned explained what happened to Peter and Peter just felt embarrassed. Tony looked at them if they were speaking Russian, not understanding a word. 

"Not to interrupt your small conversation, but what language are you speaking?" Tony asks looking at Peter.

"We're speaking Dutch, sir." Ned answers. Tony was curious, why wasn't Peter speaking that much. 

"Okay, and may I ask why you aren't speaking?" Tony looked Peter directly in the eyes.

"well, uhm... My English isn't... uhm... that... uhm... that good." Peter explained shyly. 

"That explains, do you understand me though?" Tony asks, and Peter nodded. Peter could understand English very well, only couldn't speak it that well. 

"Peter I've heard you're the youngest and smartest in the class, how do you feel about that?" Tony was curious.

"Ned kan je voor me vertalen? (Ned can you translate?)" Peter asks Ned. Ned nodded. "Het is soms erg moeilijk, mijn klas ziet mij als een klein kind. Ze haten me allemaal omdat ik blijkbaar alles weet. (It's really hard sometimes, my class sees me as a child. They all hate me because I apperently know everything.)" And Ned repeated that in English. 

"That sucks, I know how you feel. When I was young I experienced the same." They all talked for a bit until it was time for Ned and Peter to go. 

"It was nice to meet you, Peter!" Tony really liked this kid. 

"It was... uh... nice... uh... meeting?... you too." Peter struggled a bit. Tony let out a small laugh. 

Le time skip brought by Steve, ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ this is Steve.

They were finally home, and Peter was exhausted. 

"May ik ben thuis! (May I'm home!)" Peter yelled as he flopped face-first on the couch. 

May walked to the living room and asks: "(How was it?)" But she didn't get any response. She looked over the couch and saw Peter sleeping. He must be exhausted.

The next morning Peter woke up in his own bed, confused. May probably moved him here. He grabbed his glasses automatically, he puts them one but couldn't see a thing. He removed his glasses and he could see better than ever before. 

"Wow, hoe? (Wow, how?)" Peter was amazed. He got dressed and noticed another thing, he was muscular!? How?! Then it hit him, the spider bite. 

The next few days Peter experimented what he could do. He could stick to any surface, all his sense were dialled up to 11 and he could shoot webs from his wrist. He decided to do something at the crimes in his city. He became Spider-Man. 

The picture above is his suit

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The picture above is his suit. Since there aren't many high buildings in the Netherlands, Peter made some kind of wings so he could kinda fly. He also made a pair of web-shooters because his own webs would hurt after a while. 

Peter became a hero pretty quickly, and May never suspected something. 

Timeskip brought by a still bit sick author

Peter parked his bike outside the house and saw a fancy car parked in front. Peter opened the door, still one headphone in and said: "May er is een gekke dure auto buiten geparkeert. Hebben we bezoek? (May there's a crazy car parked outside. Do we have any visitor?)" 

"Mister Parker, about time we met again." Tony Freaking Stark was in HIS house?!

"Hi... Hey Mister Stark. What... Uhm... What are you doing here?" Peter his English improved a bit comparing to when he was in New York. 

"Well, I'm here because you won the internship." 

"Peter je heb me nooit verteld dat je je daarvoor had aangemeld. (Peter you never told me you applied for that.)" May said.

"Kijk, ik weet hoe erg jij van verassingen houd. Dus verrassing. (Well, I know how much you like surprises. So surprise.)" Peter was laughing awkwardly. Why was Mister Stark really here, Peter could sense it was something else.

"Peter, since you have a break from school now, I would like to invite you so we could discuss how we are going to do this. I already discussed it with your aunt and she said it was okay. Can we talk in your room for a bit?" Tony explained. 

"Yeah sure." Peter leads Tony to his room. They entered Peter's room.

"You sure love to build I see." Tony looked around and saw all sorts of tech. 

"Yeah, I uh... do. I'm sorry sir, but why are you here?" Peter didn't want to sound mean or something, but he never applied for an internship. 

"This is you, isn't it?" Tony showed Peter a video of Spider-Man. "Don't deny it, I know it's you."

"Yes, that's me."

"Okay, I need you to come with me to Germany, were fighting Captain America."

Part 3? 

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