I Hate You! Part 2

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-Next Morning-

Peter woke up, feeling different. Everything was so much more silent. AU! What was that feeling in his stomach?! He opened his eyes and noticed he wasn't in his room. Where was he? He looked next to him. WANDA?! He fell out of bed. Why? Why was he in Wanda her room? He stood up and saw his reflection. But he didn't was himself. No. He saw Paige.

"No no no no what is happening?" He thinks out loud.

Wanda was stirring and woke up. Shit!

"Paige are you okay? I heard something fall." She asks.

"Y-yes." He stuttered.

"No, you're not. I can feel it!" She looked at him. "Wait?! P-Peter?"


"How?" She asks confused.

"I don't know. I woke up like this."

"So that must mean Paige is in your body."

"I think so."

Wanda was thinking for a second, and Peter was just trying not to panic.

"Okay we will find a solution later, but now you need to change, Paige was on her period," Wanda said.

Peter was confused, not knowing what to do. But Wanda was already in the bathroom.

"Come on. Here." Wanda pushed something in Peter's hands.

"What is this?"

"Right, that is a pad. You put that in your underwear if you are on your period, you have to change every 2-3 hours. I will help you the first time, and if you don't succeed the second time just ask me." 

Peter was confused as hell. 

~~Meanwhile at Paige~~

Paige woke up slowly. She opened her eyes, and immediately closed them again. Why was everything so bright? She slowly opened them again, this time she could keep them open. She felt different. Why was everything so bright and loud? She looked at her surroundings and noticed she was in her room, only in Peter his bed. Why is she in Peter his bed? She stood up and looked at the mirror. No no no no no.

"FRIDAY?" She asks

"Yes Peter?" FRIDAY said, giving her a headache.

Poor Peter, he has to go thru this every day.

"Where is Pet-Paige?"

"Paige is at Wanda her room. Shall I ask her to get here?"


Paige runs to Wanda her room. She didn't even knock, she just ran inside. She saw no one in the room but heard something in the bathroom. 

"Peter?" She asks.

"Paige?" She heard. Wait? Was that her voice? 

Peter walked out, in my body. Looks weird to see someone else in your body.

"Okay, first of all, what is this?!" Paige started.

"I don't know," Peter said.

"And second of all, I'm sorry 'bout yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Now I understand why you always have a headache." 

"I have to say sorry too, I never expected that a period can be so painful."

They both laughed.

"Now you too have to find out who did this," Wanda said.

"Oh, I think I know who did it." Peter and Paige said together. They looked at each other and started laughing even harder.

"Ouch, first I gotta take some pain meds," Peter said while clenching his stomach.

"In the cabinet above the sink, the purple box," Wanda said. 

~~A time skip brought by a lazy writer.~~

"LOKI!!!!!" Peter and Paige screamed at the same time.

They stormed into the living room. In the living room were Natasha, Vision, Steve, Bucky and Tony. So no Loki. Shit!

"Peter, Paige, are you guys okay?"


"Lanu..." Steve started.

"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT!" Peter (for the others Paige) screamed.

"Okay, you can stop screaming Pete, my head hurts," Paige said to Peter. Peter said a little 'sorry'.

"Wait, did Peter just called Paige Peter?" Bucky said confused.

"Yes, that is the reason why we are looking for Loki." Paige (for the others Peter) said.

"Wait, I don't ..... ahhh," Tony said. "He's in the vents,"

"Thanks!" Peter and Paige said.

After a lot of chasing Loki and threatening him, he swept them back to their own body. 

Peter and Paige never fought again.

A few Avengers are still confused about what happened, but they never talked about it ever again.

Sorry for the rushed end.

Hope you like it.

If you have requests please comment them.


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