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Andrea and Ashton were sitting on a couch, unconcious of what will happen to them. They stopped before going to the basement to take a rest.

"Hey, what is this?" Andrea picked up the note and showed it to Ashton.

"What does it says?" He asked and took a closer look at the note.

i don't care who are you but i hope you take your time in reading this.
yes you are inside this old house. it's creepy isn't it? yes. i am warning you that there's someone inside the house, not only you. if you ever see a shadow, go away right now. i know the door's locked by this time but you will find your way out. i won't write it here because he will also find a way how to trap you here. now you're asking who is 'he'. i don't know him either. you either have twelve or twenty four hours of hiding. you're lucky if you had more than the hours said before.
hurry this is a trap. hide somewhere he won't see you. and if he found you, i'm sorry.

"When was this written?" Andrea asked with confusion.
- 2003

"2003." Ashton replyed. "Did you know that their are alot of people getting trapped here? Like, a police who inspected this place?"

"Stop it!" Andrea covered her ears and started panicking. "It's your fault we are in here!"

"Shh," He calmed her down. He warned her that someone might here them. They heard the door open and someone entered inside then, the door shut itself. Ashton took a look on who the person is.

"Ashton," Andrea said as they hid in the corner. "They just look like our friends."

"They shouldn't be here." He replied. He stood up and brought the flashlight. "Be right back."

Their schoolmates.

It was their schoolmates who entered inside. Ansel, Georgia, and Ashton's 'bandmates'. They came because of the rumors, just like Ashton and Andrea.

"They're so stupid." Ashton groan as they both went to the basement while the rest went opposite. "I mean, fucking Michael who lead them here."

"How'd you know?" Andrea chuckled. Everything was calm at the moment since they were only staying two hours in the house. "Did Michael really lead them here? or it is because they were looking for us? No one knows so stop blaming someone."

"That's my Andrea." Ashton rested his arms at her shoulder while she blushed so hard. They have feelings for each other but they were too shy to show it.

No one dares to touch the ouija board at the corner, not even them. They know things will get worse if they called a spirit; good or bad.

"Let's just wait for Michael to fuck things up." Ashton laughed. "He's always a fucked-up."

"Ashton!" Andrea said, trying not to burst with laughter by covering her mouth with handkerchief. Suddenly, they heard sobs and laughter from above.

"This isn't good." Ashton mumbled. "Andrea, I want you to come with me. Upstairs. We need to see them and I'm not joking."

She nodded and went upstairs.

This is only the beginning.

Andrea heared those voices. She started shaking when she heard more.

All of you will die.

You will go insane because of fear.

You're trapped.

"Andrea, you okay?" Ashton noticed her. Her hands were covering the ears as she started having a panic attack. She felt like she missed the last step on the staircase but repeatedly. He was trying to calm her.

As soon as things cooled down, they held their hands and see what happened.

Andrea was shocked, so did Ashton.

this took me for days to make this bc things will get creepier and more fluff
and my friend hates the word fluff

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