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"Sir," Andrea sighed. She was very tired of every bullshit that had happened. "Believe us."

"That house was closed for a very long time, children," The police explained. "Nobody had those keys."

"Bullshit," Ashton pulled out the keys that the old woman gave them and said, "Some old and mysterious woman gave it to us and if you say that nobody had the keys then I, sitting here trying to argue with y'all, have them now."

"Kindly wait," He said while the other one took notes. "We'll talk about this briefly."

"Is there anything you want to say, Ash?" Andrea asked while waiting. "You look kinda worried."

"It"s becuase we're in a goddamn police station and I'm fucking worried about Calum and well, our parents. "He sighed. "What if that filthy old man killed them? What about me, you?"

"They're on a business trip," She said. "I hope so. What if we check our houses?"

"Hey hey, your phone is ringing." Ashton reminded. "Sir, if you please, take down all these shit, okay?"

"Stop swearing," the officer said. "There's a chance that that's your friend or someone related to this."

"Hello?" Andrea said with a shakey voice. "Who's this?"

"Oh children," The unknown man said. "You think I can't find you? I have been waiting for you and your friend. Why don't you come here for supper?"

"What's the food then?" She asked, pretending to be interested. The officer was in hurry taking down what the man said. It was him.

"Of course your friend, Calum Hood. He looks quite delicious." And Ashton gagged then vomit. "Aw your friend puked? I'll be waiting for you and the police."

"Fuck you!" She raged. "Filthy retarded clown."

"Well I was the clown your priest said." He cackled. "I make jokes, I do silly things and unfortunately, I am a filthy clown in a freak show."

"I hope you burn in hell,"

"I'll roast your friend first so he'll burn in my hell." He said. "Goodbye, children. Have a good, very good, night."

And he hung up.

"What the fuck was that all about?!" He stormed. "We have to go back immediatly."


"The house." Ashton said. "Burn the house. That's the objective."


They had been searching for five minutes inside the house and they still cannot look for Calum. They prayed, ate the food they brought, and simply almost everything but Calum's still nowhere to be found.

"He's probably dead," Ashton mumbled. "There's no sign anyway."

"Basement, fucker," Andrea spat. "There's a lot of signs that he's alive. The police are waiting. The people in this town are watching."

"I'm tired, Can we sit down?" He whined. She nodded and lit up another lamp. "Can I tell you something?"

"I don't know," She said. "Can you?"

"Fine, May I?" He repeated. "I know you'll be mad at me and you'll kill me but are you sure you want me to say it?"

"Of course,"

"I think I know where Calum is."

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