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Where all

of our mistakes

are forgiven.

Ashton and Andrea entered the church, looking for the priest to tell a story about the house. As they saw the altar, Andrea genuflected.

"My family is religous," She told him. "So do I."

"Oh," He giggled. "Is that so?"

The priest saw them and asked, "What are you children doing in here? Why is there a blood stain all over your shirt, my boy?"

"Father," Andrea said. "Please tell us a story."

"About the house," He added. The priest led them to a room where they will talk.

"That one abandoned house? Near the woods?" He asked. They nodded. "I don't believe in gossips nor stories about it. Why?"

"We went there and our friend is currently trapped. Four of our friends are already dead and we can't look for help. Father, help us. We don't wanna kill somebody," She pleaded. She was crying, obviously telling the truth. "Please. Tell us what to do."

Silence across the room.

"My child, have you seen your friends?" he asked.

"No," Ashton said. "We were like, seven who were trapped. Four of us are dead. One commited suicide—I think. One killed his friend—betrayed us. Two of us were murdered."

"My dear lord," The priest was shocked. "Let us have a moment of silence."


For a moment, they recalled the event. Andrea was angry. Very angry. She cannot forgive Ashton for everything. She wanted to scream but no, forgive him. Forgive him for everything wrong.

Ashton. He had a demon inside him. He planned all of this out of anger. He wanted to kill one of his friends. But instead, one of them was still alive. Andrea.

Meanwhile, Calum was yelling for help.

Meanwhile, Luke was watching over Calum.

Meanwhile, Georgia was with Luke.

Meanwhile, Michael was lost.

Meanwhile, Ansel too.

"Children," Father said. "The story began from 1934. A rich family lived in that house. The father was a doctor. The mother was a teacher. The son was a clown and the youngest daughter was a student. It was quite peaceful that time but when the son was placed into a freak show, things changed. That's all I can say."

"Thank you, father." Andrea said.


"Where should we go next?"


"But they won't believe us!" He disagreed. "What can we do?!"

"Convince them." She was silent.

"Fine," He sighed. "If they don't believe us, we'll have to do this by ourselves."

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