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I know this place. I was here. I do not know nor have any idea on where I'm standing right now. I looked at my surroundings, only seeing Ashton across the area. He wasn't looking at me. But he was talking. He was speaking words that I once heard.

"Where are you, Andrea?" He asked. I called his name. I was shocked as I see his face. It isn't Ashton now. His eyes were all white, and he was crying with black tears. Then he grinned at me and spoke, "Welcome, Andrea. To my hell."

"What's happening, Ashton?" I asked, holding back my fear. "What'-"

"Welcome, Andrea." He said again. His words send chills on my spine. I was trying to escape but I cannot move. "To my hell."

"What is this?!" I yelled. He was walking slowly towards my direction. The room was getting smaller. He looked worse than what I'm seeing. "Ashton please."

"Andrea?" I heard another voice. It's Calum. Ashton stopped moving, like a statue, he didn't move. I see Calum with his torned clothes before he got killed. I blinked and he changed. He was already wearing white clothes and seemed really joyful. He was with Luke, smiling at me. "Where have you been?"

"Don't move, Andrea." Another one said. Michael. "This man will hurt you."

"Where are you, Michael?" I asked and followed what was told.

"With Calum and Luke," He said. The three of them walked closer. "Don't move." They said.

And they're gone.

"Ansel? Georgia?" I called out the two people who were in front of me. Then they disappeared. "Wha-"

"Wake up." They both said at the back. "It's dangerous."

All of them were gone. Except Ashton. He blinked at me. "You're a bitch, Andrea. Look what you've done. You made me like this. I hate you. Fuck you."

"Don't listen to him!" The others said. "It's not Ashton!"

"I hate you, Andrea. You are a slut. You should die. Kill yourself." Ashton pulled out a knife. He grinned at me and i tried to run. But there was nowhere to go.

I felt something at my back.

I was killed.

By the person I loved.

I was betrayed.

Andrea woke up at around twelve midnight, screaming. Ashton and the nurses rushed and assisted her. She looked at Ashton and hugged him.

"Did you tried killing me?" She asked.

"No," He said. "Dreams?"

"Mr. Irwin, her condition is very dangerous. She needs to be in a mental institution."

"What?! No! I'm okay! I promise." Andrea cried. "Please don't."

"There's nothing we can do," The doctor stated. "we need y-"

"Don't pressure her!" He protested. "Let her parents decide. She's traumatized."

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