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"Where?! We searched the whole house! h-how whould you know where he is?!"

"And I told you once," Ashton said. "This house is big. Oh, your phone's ringing."

"Hello?" She answered nervously. "Who's this?"

"Go to the kitchen." It said and hung up.

"Should we go to the kitchen?" He asked, biting his bottom lip. "Obviously that's the psychopathic motherfucker."

"Yeah, whatever." She said. They stood up and left the small place, probably the dining hall. They wanted to open the lights, even for once, so they could see the house that used to be a family's home

While walking, Ashton tripped on a stool and hit his head against the wall. "Fuck," he muttered and laughed at himself. "I'm a dumbass."

"You are," Andrea chuckled. "So there are lights here, eh?"

"Huh?" he asked, feeling quite dizzy. They stared up at the ceiling, watching the lights open one by one, until it surrounds the house. They saw the chandelier at the dining hall, the hallway with pictures in it, and the way to the kitchen.

"This is beautiful," She said. "But we must get going."

Calum was at the kitchen, his wrists and feet were tied and he was blindfolded. But the man was nowhere to be found.

"God, who are you?!" He yelled and tears streamed down his face. "Please, please don't hurt me. I beg you, please don't."

"We're your friends, shh." Andrea tried to calm him down and Ashton untied him. As soon as Calum was released from the ropes, they all felt uneasy as the lights began to flicker on and off.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ashton asked him. "You look very pale."

"It's just," he began. "You don't understand the shit I've been through for this past hours. There was this dude who came inside and, and he saw me and tried to help me and then he was killed and..."

"I'm so so sorry," Andrea said, showing sympathy. "I'm very sorry for what you had gone through.."

"Just get out of here." Calum told them. "He'll be back if the lights went out. He doesn't like the light."

And in that moment, the lights went out.

Calum held tight to Andrea's hand. Andrea held Ashton's hand. Their hearts beat faster.

"Welcome to our game." A familiar voice said. "Open the lights."

And the lights were opened again. They saw the man again. This time, the two were not afraid anymore. At any moment, one of them can be killed.

"What game?" Ashton asked. Pretending he was excited, he tried to pay 'attention' to every words. "Sounds interesting."

"Little boy," He laughed, though he was not a little boy. Pulling out a gun from his pocket, he took Ashton and placed it on his head.

"Don't hurt him!" Andrea begged. "Let's just play the game you told us earlier. Just release him."

"No, this is part of the game." The man said. "You either pick of the three of you to get killed and you will be set free. This is a deal."

"It's me." Calum stepped forward. "I don't care, just let go of my friends."

"Calum, no." Andrea said. "Please don't sacrifice yourself. We love you, okay? I love you, Ashton loves you. Why would you do that?"

"Two minutes," The man said.

"God please, I want to see Luke wherever he is." He just said. "I missed him so fucking much and I just want to be with him so, let go of me. I want you guys to stay strong."

"One minute."

"Are you sure?" They hugged tightly, not wanting to let go. "Please, if you don't want this, tell me. Be honest."

"I want to see Luke." He replyed. "I want to see his smile, his eyes, and as I said, stay alive."

"Thirty seconds."

"Tell me everything you wanted to say," Andrea said. "anything."

"When we were young, I used to have a crush on you." Calum giggled. "And I met Luke and he told me you were out of my league and I dunno, I like Luke."


"Fifteen seconds."

"I'm gonna miss you guys. When I'm a ghost, I could go to every concert I want to go to. I won't haunt you guys. I love you and please don't feel guilty, okay?"

"I love you too." Andrea chuckled and kissed his forehead. "I won't."

"Stop the drama." The man said. "Is it that chinese boy who will sacrifice himself? So much friendship is going on here."

"I'm not chinese!" Calum yelled. "I don't speak bullshit, either. Now let go of Ashton. That's the deal right? let go of Ashton. Release my friend, you dick."

"Woah, of course." He said and did as what Calum told him. Ashton dropped on his knees and panted. Andrea helped him get up and watched as Calum took The man's hand and lead him to the dark.

There were moments of silence. They stood there, not wanting to see their friend getting hurt. They heard screams but did nothing. They listened as he begged for help, but did nothing.

"Kill me please. Please." Ashton and Andrea heard. "Let go of my friends."

"Aren't you happy now?" A voice told Calum. "I'm here."

"Who are you?"

"You did a good thing, you know." it said. "Sacrificing your life for our friends."

"Is that you, Luke?"

"And you wanted to see me?" he continued. "That's why you're here?"

"Luke, is that really you?"

"You told her you liked me, right?"

"Yeah yeah I told her I liked him."

"I like you too."



"Run!" Ashton commanded. They ran through the hallway. It was pitch black and they were getting lost already.

"We're lost!" Andrea panicked.

"You are never going to get out!" The voice said.

"Hey, a window!" He said and she followed. "we gotta jump, okay?"


"You think you're getting out?!"


"I know where you are."

"three!" And together, they jumped.

The policemen were waiting and as they saw them, they rushed for first aid. It was Ashton's feet that were injured and Andrea's head. The two were rushed to the nearest hospital.

"You gotta burn the house!" Ashton said. "please. burn it."

"We are going to demolish it and do an investigation." the officer simply said.

"What happened to Andrea?" He asked. "Coma?"

"No," The doctor said. "Minor head injury. From falling from the second floor, her knees hit the groun at first and then her head. Don't worry, your parents are called."

"Oh shit."

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