Meeting the parents

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Flying is a weird experience. From the crying baby to the person saying their prayers in the corner. It's not a fear of heights, it's a fear of falling. So the take off is fine, almost giving you a second chance to explore new lands, but it's the landing. You put your life in the hands of the pilot, the manufacturer and the weather. Most people hate the turbulence, the shaking, the fear of crashing but I love it. It just reminds me that i'm alive, plus i've always found the motion soothing. Cars and ships alike thankfully i've never experienced sea sickness.

I never fear the landing because I learned to fear what comes after the landing. I've flown into war zones but this, this is different. This is scarier. I can't tell if my stomach dropping is a result of the plane dropping in altitude or what's coming afterwards.

Going into war i've got my orders, my weapons, my troop. Someone has mapped out exactly what's going to happen, we know what to expect, we've been prepped. But here i'm going in blind. I want everything but the things I want don't mix. It's like trying to defuse a bomb and being colour blind.

Luke laced our hands together and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles, in an attempt to sooth me. It frightens me how well he knows me, I'd say he knows me better than I know myself.

The landing went swimmingly.........that was a terrible pun. He never let go of my hand.

I watched him help get the old lady's bag from the overhead compartment. He's such a gentleman. But her, well she's a different kettle of fish all together. Not only was she shamelessly flirting with him, the cougar, but then she tries setting me up with her neighbour's son. Wasn't she the one who at the start of the flight was telling me not to let him go? What kind of game is she playing.

"Oh come on, you must work out. Look at those biceps." She then felt his arms. His eyes bulged out of his head. I was in stitches.

As he turned to face me and reach up to get our bags I heard her say
"I do love a man with an ass." He looked at me, completely shocked and mouthed
"help me". That was it for me. I burst out laughing, I couldn't breath and there were tears running down my face. I waved my hand as I wiped my tears.
That drew her attention to me.
"Now now sweetie don't cry, I've got the perfect boy for you. He's name is Sam. He's a good church boy and don't worry he'll grow and he is damn fine."

I could see Luke slowly losing it. We all know that she's just joking around but I guess with our whole situation Damien and Luke don't like her "giving me ideas".

I moved off my seat and leaned against Luke, letting him wrap his arm around my waist. "You really are something different aren't you." She just smiled at me.
"You're only as young as you feel love."

She was talking too us the entire way through the airport. People thought she was drunk and that caused quite a scene when we were walking through security.

We put our things into the tray, took off our shoes, belts etc. and walked through the metal detector. Anne went first, Luke and then myself. This is always my favourite part of travelling.
I walked through and beeped. I was asked to take off my jacket and walk through again but this time my leg lit up on the screen. I was asked to step aside and armed guards turned up.

They did a routine frisk search and found nothing and sent me through again. When it lit up again things got serious. There was this one employee, about 20, bright red hair to match her bright red lips and making goo-goo eyes at Luke. She wore the tightest uniform and has been giving me the stink eye since she saw Luke kiss my cheek. She had a sadistic smirk plastered on her face as they started questioning me.

"Is there any reason that you could think of that would explain why the machine would indicate towards your leg?" She's determined to see me squirm but I won't give her the satisfaction.
"Yes ma'am, there's a metal pins holding my leg together. One of the ups of serving my country."

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