Chapter 4

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The shop looked the same as it was the other day. She used to go here all the time back when her family was still living in the Philippines, back when she wasn't little Miss Manhattan. Alone time, as she calls it, some time to think when her childhood friends doesn't make sense to her. It is the same today, only she's Miss Manhattan now, only there are no more senseless childhood hood friends and only there's a guy in a leather jacket waiting for her. 

The guys leaning on the wall, earphones on, eyes closed. He's sitting there not giving a care on the world. He looks handsome and she can't deny that. 

"Hey!" she said as she took a seat beside him. 

He opened his eyes. He smiled upon seeing her face. She's beautiful he thought.

"Hey!" he replied. 

"What are you listening to?" she grabbed one of the earphones he's wearing and tried placing it on her ear...but no sound came out. 

"You're not even listening to anything." she muttered.

He chuckled at her being childish and all. "It's a trick." he tried to explain. "People think you're listening to something when you're actually not. They'll decide not to talk to you after all. An escape to people's boring talks should I say?" he continued. 

She tried her best to understand, I mean she didn't sign up for mission solve someone's problems but she was willing to understand him as he spoke only she didn't know what it is, she was always surrounded with everyone she did not have a clue on why other people hate attention. She placed the earphone back to his hear and she looked at him. Help me understand she wanted to tell him.

"....but you are an exception" He didn't know why he said it but he did anyways. He sort of felt like he needed to. 

" what are we supposed to do here?" she looked around the shop even though she have memorized the whole place. She was trying not to feel awkward. Why the hell did he say that she thought.

"Have a tea party, I guess. " He can do that. Stop acting too damn awkward after saying such a thing. It was his secret talent. 

She shook her head. This guy got nuts, she thought. He wasn't the one she's expecting to meet on that dare day but she was happy that he was the one who came. 

 "and the party's about?" She kind of felt like fooling around. That's her. If she feels like it, she can do it. 

"Well, I just happened to go at this exact tea shop yesterday and this girl came up to me and asked me to marry her and I practically said yes. Engagement party eh?" he jokingly said.

She giggled. The world stops when she does. "You're funny." she said to him.

"and...we still don't have engagement rings." 

He opened his bag and searched for something. He got two little ribbons. Sometimes best things do appear in bags when you need them. He was clueless about why are there ribbons on his bag but it was sure helpful. 

"Perfect for engagement party." he said as he looked at them.

She looked at him weird. She had to fight all her urge not to laugh at him and his ways. He's one cute bastard she can't help but to repeat it all over her mind.

He started to lean infront of her. The same thing they do in those movies. His eyes met hers. 

"Will you marry me Kath?" he giggled while asking her. They were already engaged for goodness sake, why is he even doing this? 












"Yes, I will Dj." she said as she gazed at his dark eyes. Acting like it was the only thing she ever wanted in the whole world. 

They tied the ribbons in their fingers like two little kids. Dj even acted as if he never expected she'd say yes. They were happy, that, I could see it clearly in their eyes. They even had their first dinner like stuff they do in movies, only they did it in the morning. And only it wasn't a movie. It was a fine engagement party indeed for two strangers who are just too game for some fun.

At this moment I shall announce it to the world, Little Miss Manhattan and Mr. Batman are now officially engaged. 

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