Chapter 20: A Swift Recovery and an Even Swifter Challenge

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Everyone else made frequent efforts to visit Ross during their free time, Markl more than anyone. Damien, after the previous breakthrough, became almost obsessed with the computer, always upgrading it and adding extras, leaving it on overnight to accumulate data – and sometimes even sitting there with the data in the dark. One more breakthrough on that magnitude and their lives would be over.

Tora avoided visiting Ross. Moving about the house without her keen glare was a relieving change, although she also became aware of Markl's eyes on her back in the few times she'd bumped into him. Ross must have told him what happened on that roof and about Cyrus, and it was going to look bad for Tora if she didn't also confess. Fair as Markl was, once Ross got a hint of blood, she wouldn't relent. Her awkward conversation with Markl a few days earlier didn't help, either, but getting the words out curdled her thoughts. It was as though if she shared her suspicions and what she knew, Cyrus and her past would be lost to her forever.

Down in the basement, she sat on one of the cabinets and stared across the room. The table tennis table was out with the bats laid across the surface of one end. She concentrated, staring at the bright red bats with the wooden handles. The top one shivered, but became still again.

Taking in another breath and wrapping her arms around her tucked-up knees, Tora narrowed her eyes, concentrating on just the one bat. An invisible forcefield formed around it. For a moment, its smooth dome reflected the light overhead and then disappeared.

Tora winced, swearing under her breath, at the sound of a tinker in her head. Pain shot through her brain, making her eyes water. She clutched at her forehead, breathing heavily. Bits of her fringe stabbed into her eyes.

"What the hell..." she said to herself. She focused. It should come naturally to her. Tendrils snaked around the bat, thickening until it solidified over it and shimmered.

She swore. It splintered again, sending a spike of heat through her head. She slammed a fist onto the cabinet surface, groaning. When the pain finally subsided, leaving a bitter taste in the back of her mouth and a dull ache in her temples, Tora stared down at her knees. What the hell was going on? Telekinesis had always come naturally to her. Why did she have to make so much effort all of a sudden?

"Maybe I'm getting old," she said out loud, and then shook her head at herself. It had only been two days since the hospital disaster. Maybe it was too soon. She was exhausted. It would get better with time.

She hoped.


Despite the calm days that passed, the Seekers were still on edge, waiting for the buzzer to go off or for Damien to run in looking terrified. A darkness continued to lurk inside Tora. Her telekinesis remained weak and, although she wasn't too worried about its return, she kept an acute eye on the golden pot. Since emptying it in her fight against Cyrus, it had filled again, with the same enticing power as before.

Ross resumed training just under a week after the Royal Falcork Hospital incident.

"Come on!" said Carlos, parrying Tora's hit with his arm. He blocked her next kick and threw her in the air. Tora somersaulted and landed to the left of the foosball table. She brushed her fringe out of her face, grinning through the panting. Nothing gave her greater joy than a good workout and endorphins streaming through her veins.

She moved forward, feigning to the right. Carlos turned his whole body to defend. She stepped to the left. Surprise flitted across his face. She slammed into his exposed flank like a charging bull. Carlos grunted, feet sliding along the ground. He grabbed her by the neck of her t-shirt and threw a knee into her stomach. Tora twisted. Her arms got tangled in the material. Carlos's knee connected with her nose instead. Her head snapped back. Stars exploded in her eyes as the pain rampaged through her skull.

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