Chapter 47: Embirite in the Skies

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"Quite magnificent, isn't it?"

Tora surveyed the scene. Stage one of the Frostite invasion would soon be complete. The ice spread across the country, freezing all lifeforms it came across. The life energy would then be sucked into the earth's molten core as the realm struggles to remain viable. When the last of the snow glossed over the earth's surface, stage two – the rejuvenation stage – would begin. By that stage, no foreign demon would survive the splintering of the core and explosion of ice spikes from beneath the surface, with almost absolute zero atmospheres and mile-high, nigh-impenetrable walls.

The last time Tora had seen such a scene was during the war for the Smallgrills world. The Shifters were no match, of course, and Tora and her brother just watched through the veil the ugly goblins' world freeze over before collapsing in on itself.

And now the veil portrayed the same, but for her home.

"Not quite the word I would use."

"You still feel sentiment for that realm, huh."

Cimerus eyed her like she was a fascinating new science specimen.

"How long do we wait?"

"Patience was never your virtue, sister."

"Scouring the facility isn't that difficult, surely."

"It isn't that simple. The Artefact takes many different forms depending on the realm and its conditions. We have no idea what it looks like. These Sentinels are our only chance."

Irritation streaked through her body, leaving trails of flames on her dark skin. She kept her eyes on the three veils. Everlasting winter: what a frightening thought. All the humans must have turned to ice dust by now; no normal living being could have withstood that initial shockwave, much less something as fragile as they. She hoped Ross and Carlos made it. She couldn't bear losing any more of her friends.

Her heart ached at the thought of Damien. There was so much more she wanted to say to him, so much to apologise for. He was too innocent, too pure. Caught between the age-long battle of two powerful demon realms, he stood no chance. Her fists tightened until the bones emitted cracks. But his death would not be in vain. Markl would pay.

"Abaddeon has found them."

Cimerus's words snapped her out of her brooding. The veil had panned to a part of the city she'd never been to before. Behind spiralling towers and government buildings, a catacomb of interlinked blocks and bridges expanded before her eyes. It was almost like a miniature city within the high walls. Tora was sure the sight would have been a hell lot more impressive if the whole thing wasn't drowned in snow.

There, marching through the snow in formation, were armoured Sentinels. Through Abaddeon's Spectre eyes, the monochrome shapes moved in steady jerks, their metallic exteriors reflecting the weak sunlight. They stood out vividly against the pristine snow. It was such a pitiful façade; one bite would shatter their armours. Tora estimated about a hundred of them. Ten at the front clutched weapons. Markl wasn't one of them. The leading Sentinel held a longsword that parted the snow as they moved, leaving a trail of water behind. She had a long red plait and squared shoulders.

"Kerela," said a gleeful Cimerus. "You remember her, sister?"

"She led the first uprising," Tora said, her voice slow. The memories came back. "Took a lot of Shifters as hostages and used Lyre weapons on them to test the effects and limits."

"The mastermind behind utilising the Lyre weaponry."

"Tens of thousands of Shifters, she must have taken." Tora forced down a shudder. Only a Sentinel could have that kind of sadism.

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