Chapter 11

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I woke around twelve and prepared for work as all the while New York was relaxing after a long week.

I had to go to the crime scene.

They probably wouldn't have moved the body yet so I knew exactly what I was doing. Pulling on my work jacket and grabbing my laptop I left my apartment in a daze. Approaching my car, I noticed the posters of my lost dog hanging on the side of the bus station frame. I whimpered what had I done? Was I bad in my past lives? All I could do now was wait. Making a vow to never buy another dog, I stepped inside my car and just listened to the purr of the engine for a while before driving to the boating lakes.

 "Did you eat yet?" The detective asked me when I'd arrived, with amusement playing on his face. Scrunching my face up I replied hesitantly.

"Y...yes...why?" Detective Brown chuckled before walking again.

"You may see it again!" My eyes widened and I sighed. Reluctantly I focused my gaze on the scene before me. Brown glanced at his notebook and spoke again, breaking the heavy silence.

" India Farrel, born in Chicago, twenty-nine and currently single. She is Miss Manhattan money scam."


"Yup she's been moving from city to city since she was 21 and her 29 year old husband died, leaving her.... filthy rich." he quipped.

"Looks like she was eviscerated." I answered simply before smiling at our coroner Pete.

Pete smiled at me but shook his head.

"Ah no not quite. I identified the wounds. Clean cut edge. Most likely a Swiss army knife, or the type of easy cut scalpels doctors and coroners like me use. Bit of a contrast... could be either." He babbled. Sighing I creased my forehead.

"Nobody heard her scream?"

"Well it was late when the park ranger found her." Brown replied dragging the 'well' for too long.

I examined my surroundings.

"She didn't die here. Not enough blood." I informed Brown before texting Mick and the crew to look for a primary crime scene.

India lay lifeless on the coroners table.

"Okay I didn't need to do much of a Y. The killer did it for me. Died of exsanguination." Pete started while I nodded in agreement. He continued. "Bled out... trauma to her internal organs. They all sustained multiple mastication's."

From the warned look on Pete's face, I figured this was just the start. Before I could dig deeper, Calvin came in sulking.

"I did some background research on our Vic. Big stuff. BIG stuff." He muttered, his voice deep and almost incoherent. Opening my mouth to speak, I then decided to clamp it shut when Cal gestured for Pete to continue.

"Anyway you have a problem. Our Vic's heart is....well M.I.A." I grimaced and Pete gave me a weak knowing smile.

"Instead I found these." A pile of blood soaked money lay crumpled in a bag in Pete's evidence pile. There was also a crumpled note and a picture of our Vic mourning the loss of her husband at his funeral. Stalker much? Calvin broke the almost substantial silence that overcame us.

"Dude this dough is fake! The lot of it looks legit! S'all Monopoly." Cal mused.

I ignored his heavy disbelieving tone and read the note aloud.

 Hey peeps,

Miss me? Anyways see that money? Looks real doesn't it? I just want to tell you. This money IS fake. JUST. LIKE. YOUR. VIC. 'Real' on the outside but inside she is completely messed up. India Farrel = Lying cheating cold hearted animal.

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