Bonus Chapter - One shot competition thang~!

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And here is the winner of the one shot competition!! of course I helped with the editing so I get some sort of credit!! :P 

*Timmy shoves the author's face away*


Man, I hate that thing!!

Anyway here is thy winner! 


Yay!!! Happy, happy!! 

Oh and Thank you to all those that entered!! I have actually decided to continue the one shot thing and just make it extra bonus chapters that you guys can create and send to me and if I like it I will add it as another bonus chapter. In that way you guys can write how you percieve Jade or Leon to be after or before everything.  And it saves me from coming up with stuff as well :D) yay! 

Oh and you don't get any prizes other than a dedication on your chapter and me loving you XD and one last thing, if you do decide to create a bonus chapter...


For more info please refer to the last chapter and then skip all the way to the bottom if you have already read it and somewhere by the due date will have a little more info. Thank you and come again :D

So yeah, read this chapter and love it!

I SAID LOVE IT!! *holds Timmy at you guys's faces threateningly* 


Aria’s POV.

 I grinned in delight as I walked through the school hallways. I felt like I was on cloud nine. Leon said he loved me! And I could see the sincerity in his eyes as he told me yesterday. I sighed in jubilation.

As I happily skipped, I noticed little whispers as I passed by. Pointing fingers and looks of either pity or some other emotion I couldn't put my finger on...knowing maybe?

I frowned slightly but didn’t let that dampen my mood. Nothing could bring me down knowing that Leon loves me! Turning my frown around, I smiled and continued walking.

Secretly it felt really good to be the one who changed the player and I took a lot of pride in that single fact. Leon actually changed for lil ole’ me! Ha! Who would have thought that?

I quickly changed my course to Leon’s locker. I couldn’t wait to give my boyfriend a good morning kiss!

When I finally turned the corner, I stumbled and almost fell at what I saw before me.

Tears welled up in my eyes and a strangled gasp forced it way from my mouth.

"L-Leon?" I gasped.

No! It couldn’t be him! He wouldn't do this to me! He said he loves me!

Leon turned and I saw his face. My heart shattered and my face fell when I saw he had a girl pressed against his locker, making out with her.

"L-Leon w-what's going on?!" I whispered, slightly hesitant as I walked closer to the smug couple. My eyes darted back and forth between the two. 

I trust him! I won’t be like the other girls that ran away in jealousy. No, this is probably all just a misunderstanding. There must be an explanation for this!

There has to be.

"What’s going on Leon?" I asked a little stronger, my voice a higher pitch than normal.

Leon looks at me in confusion for a few seconds.

"Uh – Ally, Alison, Array, Arid?” He clicked his fingers as he counted down the wrong names. “Ah, never mind! Well whatever your name is – your services are no longer needed. Thank you and have a nice day!" He said with a cheery tone. He then turned around and continued devouring of the girls face.

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