Chapter 13

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Roman and Patton were cuddling on Roman's bed. "So How's Logan gonna react if he sees this?" Patton asked giggling. Roman giggled with him.  "Why don't we find out? LOGAN!!!" Roman called. Logan walked in, he didn't say anything he just shrugged.
Roman eyes widened. Logan left in search for Virgil.

Logan's POV
Where is Virgil? I walked into our room and there he was on his bunk earing jolly ranchers. I climbed up there and saw he was listening to music. I got on and he began to sing, "A MONSTER, A MONSTER, I've turned into a MONSTER, A MONSTER, A MONSTER and it keeps getting stronger!!" He sang not noticing i was there. "I'm only a man with chamber who's got me, I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me!!" I sang with him finally getting his attention. He quickly took his headphones off and blushed.

"Um how long have you've been there?" He asked me. "Only a few seconds." I said. He sighed then turned the music off. "Can i sing something for you Virgil?" "You can sing?" He asked. I nodded. He handed me his phone and the bluetooh headphones. Everything at once by lenka. I took a breath.

"As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh~
All I wanna be is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh~
All I wanna be is everything

As warm as the, the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh~
All I wanna be is everything at once."

When i finish Virgil was amazed. I blushed, "Your good, Logan." Virgil complimented. I gave him a kiss as a thank you. We pulled apart, "You taste like jolly ranchers, watermelon and cherry?" I said causing Virgil to hit me on the head with the pillow. I laughed at him. We both saw a camera flash. We turned and Emile, Remy were at the doorway. "Uncle Emile!!!" I shouted. He just laughed as he ran out with the camera. Remy stayed at laughed.

Virgil laughed too, "What's so funny, Virgil?" I asked. "I don't know laughs are contagious." He said. I climbed down and went looking for Emile. He was downstairs showing everyone. "This is Logan when he first came over when he was 5." Emile said. I blushed as i rushed down the stairs to them. "Logan you were so cute what happened?" Roman said. I rolled my eyes. "This one was his first jar of crofters." I immediately grabbed the camera. I was a baby and my whole face was covered in jelly. I had glasses on for some reason. Patton begged me to show him but i didn't want to. Virgil came downstairs, gave me a big passionate kiss as he grabbed the camera. He pulled away, gave them the camera leaving me flustered. Remy snickered at me. Everyone awed the picture. "Logan, that's wo cute why hide it?" Virgil asked. My eyes filled up with tears. "Because i don't want to be reminded when my mom was alive!!!!" I shouted. Everyone eyes widened realizing it. I began to go upstairs again, Virgil quickly followed me. "Go away Virgil." I said not looking back. I was immediately stopped by him hugging me by my waist. "I'm sorry Logan don't be upset with me, i didn't want to hurt you please don't be mad." Virgil begged. I took his hands off me and placed them on my shoulders. "I'm not mad at you Virgil it's just hard to see those pictures." I said. "Sorry for kissing you and taking the camera." Virgil apologized.

I sighed and kissed him. I pulled away, "Your forgiven." I said. Virgil smiled at me, we both headed into the room laid back on my bed got my earbuds and listened to music. It was peaceful, i don ever want to change this, never, not even for the world.

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