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totallypatton,Which fictional character you think potrays you the best?

Virgil: Um?

Logan: Sherlock Holmes.


Patton: Hey stop that and um i guess Honey-senpai from Ohshc?

Remus:Cheshire cat.

Roman: Flynn rider, of course!

Remy: no one I'm an adult.

Emile: Sitich!! He's so cute!

Me: Raven from Teen titans.

Virgil: eeyore i guess.

Logan: *kisses Virgil's cheek* Don't say that to yourself.

Virgil: *blushes* Ok Lo

thecrazyslytherin13, to Patton-What's your favorite dog breed?, to Virgil- What's your favorite mcr song?, to Logan-Who's your favorite person?, to Roman- What's your favorite musical?, to Deceit, Why? Why life? To Remus-What's up fam?, to everyone- What's the meaning of life?


Everyone: Awwww!

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Everyone: Awwww!

Virgil: Welcome to the blackparade!

Logan: beisides Virgil, um i think Patton, if not besides Virgil then i pick Virgil.

Virgil: *blushes*
Patton: Aww kiddo

Roman: Hamilton!!!!!

Deceit: i don't what to tell ya besides life is life and we are lucky society dosen't kill us for being not straight, for being who we are, that's why i have to be hard and cruel.....

Patton: You ok kiddo?

Deceit: Yep! *lie*

Remus: Not much, you?

Me: Analogical and Royality, duh!

Patton: Happy by Pharrell Williams

Logan: Everything at once by Lenka

Roman: Really?

Logan: Yes it's quite enjoyable

Virgil: Monster by imagine dragons

Remus: Don't lose your head by the six musical!!!

Deceit: All eyes on me by OR3O

Remy-um idk

Emile: Me nether. *shrugs*

Roman: Go the distance from Hercules.

Me: Older by Sasha one please....

Logan:The meaning of life is to pursue human flourishing through communication, understanding and service. In order to have meaningful lives, we can also see that certain things will need to be in play.

Everyone else: Yeah what Logan said.

Virgil: Wow Logan where did ya get that info?

Logan: a book?

Virgil: Wow your really are a nerd, well your my nerd~

Logan: *blushes* Next question!!!

totallypatton, to everyone-Where do you see yourselves in 5-10 years?

Logan: i see myself with Virgil.

Patton: Awww

Patton: i see myself becoming a veterinarian and being with Roman.

Roman: with Patton of course!

Remus: idk

Remy: i work at Starbucks, babe i don't know what the future would hold.

Emile: Having a kid maybe.

Remy: *chokes of coffee*

Remy: *cough* What?! *cough*

Emile: Come on honey i want a kid please~

Remy: but we have like 5 teenagers in our house.

Emile: i know, i know but one of our own!

Remy: Fine

Emile: Yay!

Virgil: um....i.....don't know i never thought about, oh god um i.....*starting to panic*

Logan: *hugs Virgil* Shhhh~ it's ok

Virgil: *sobs*

Me: becoming an author and Virge you ok?

Virgil: I'm.....fine.....

Me: ok next question!

Prinxiety2themax, You- Who's your favorite sander side and who's your favorite character from oran host club?

Me: it's between Logan and Virgil.

Me: Kyoya Otori!! I love him!!

thecrazyslytherin13,  All the sides- w
Who is your favorite side? What's your favorite song by Thomas sanders?

Logan: Virgil and Crofters the musical.

Virgil: Logan and incomplete.

Roman: Patton and Recipe for me.

Patton: Roman and same thing as Roman.

UwUPurpleAri, Does Virgil like feminine clothes?

Virgil: kinda i guess i mean there sorta comfy.

Roman: put Girls clothes on!!

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