Chapter 1

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Hey guys
Pic of Alayna's house and room on the side
Instagram:- pizza_is_loyal_asf


"I'm all 'bout that bass 'Bout that bass No treble

I'm all 'bout that bass 'Bout that bass No treble

I'm all 'bout that bass 'Bout that bass No treble

I'm all 'Bou- "

"Alayna turn the volume down before I burn your iPod to ashes!", my mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok, ok, I am, just don't burn my iPod", I yelled back.

Okay, I think you're confused. Well, as you guys just saw, I was singing in my room, at the top of my lungs might I add, and my mom is my biggest fan who decided to praise my awesome singing skills.

Seriously, I'm a good singer (Note the sarcasm)

I think I should introduce myself. I'm Alayna Jones. I decided to grace this beautiful earth with my presence 17 years ago. I have jet black hair with blue dips that go till my mid back. I have baby blue eyes with naturally long eyelashes. I'm only 5'5, I'm not complaining though. In fact, it's fun! I can fit in anywhere, plus I've got a good shape.

Now I'm not going to brag about myself forever...

I am the only child of my parents. Well, my mom. My dad is dead. It happened when I was only 2 months old and my mom had to take care of me alone. So I don't even remember anything about my dad. I've only seen his pictures when my parents were married or when I was born and the other moments of his life.

I always wanted a dad. I wanted to be 'daddy's princess'. Whenever I tried to talk to mom about dad she would always tear up or she would change the topic. I assume because she misses him and feels emotional about it so I never brought it up again

But sometimes it's weird because even my grandma doesn't talk about it. Like, was it so tragic that they never even talk about it? Whenever I ask grandma or anyone else they will always tell me something like 'you're too young for it' or 'we went through it and it was very bad, we don't want you to go through the same'.

I mean, what the hell! I am ready to and I have the full right to know what happened to my dad. Why does everyone keep avoiding my question?! I know that I won't be able to get answers out of anyone just yet, but that didn't mean I wouldn't keep on trying...

There was a soft knock on my door and I got out of my bed to open the door. I dragged my feet extra slowly. What can I say? I'm a lazy bum and I'm proud of it.

My mom stood at the door, her hands crossed and she was tapping her feet as if waiting for answers. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What took you so long to open the door?", she said, trying to peep in my room as if I was hiding someone in my room.

Seriously? She thought I sneaked someone in our house? I stepped aside so she could look into my room to double check.

When she was sure that there was no one in my room, she stood back again and looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I wasn't in the mood to get up and open the door", I told her in a bored voice.

She just rolled her eyes at me...

"What do you want for dinner?", she asked when she was rolling her eyes at me... Elegantly.

You see, my mom is that type of women who has a believe in elegance and all other stuff like that. Like Emma Thompson's character in Brave, like Queen Elinor.

"Pizza... Or whatever else you feel like doing", I answered back. I am not big a fan of food.

"I guess Pizza is good", she said before turning around and going to the staircase that would lead downstairs into the kitchen.

I shut the door and strutted to my bed and collapsed on it. I looked around my room, looking for something to do.

My room is quite big with a combination of lavender and white. (Pic on the side)

My house is medium sized. Not too big, not too small. Enough for two people to live. My mom is an interior designer. So she designed the whole concept of our house. She used different color combinations in every room. She wanted the house to look creative... We're not the only ones with creative ideas. We live in Miami so everybody over here has pretty cute houses. I was lost in my thoughts until...

"Alayna, dinner is ready!", mom yelled. How did she cook so fast? I looked at the clock. 8:45 p.m. Looks like I zoned out for a long time.

I got out of my bed lazily and dragged my feet extra slowly all the way downstairs to the kitchen.

Me and my mom spoke about some random stuff like school and boys and other stuff. After that we just ate in silence.

Once I was done, I got up with my plate and kept it in the sink. I kissed my mom a Goodnight kiss on her cheek, then again went up the stairs to my room in slow motion.

Once I reached my room, I changed into some Spongebob pjs and a tank top. I climbed into my bed and dimmed my room. Without hesitation, sleep enveloped me...--------------------
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Love you all xx

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