Chapter 29

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A very important note at the end of the chapter. Please read! And enjoy!

Did I ever mention the reason for having conflicted feelings about Angelo? Even if I did, I'm just going to rant again.

He is the most handsome and hot guy I've ever seen and he has the deep husky voice that makes me want to lose my virginity, even though I won't admit that every time. He probably has a lot of girls falling for him and he even might be a player but here's the thing, the amount of testosterone in this place has me overwhelmed. Which is why, being in Angelo's presence messes with my system.

Or so I think.

But, on the other hand, Angelo is an ass.

My nerves were already jumping since he told me to learn self defense. Now, the thought that I had in mind was that it was going to be a hot and sexy session where we both could get quick touches of each other but, it isn't like you ever wish.

It was not even close to sexy.

I just kept trying to hit him while he kept dodging like a pro. So in the end, I gave up and stumbled to my room. He only laughed when I gave up and told me to practice harder.

Sometimes I wonder if my presence made him all jumpy too.

Probably not.

Did my father notice the little moments between us? Would he approve a relationship between me and Angelo?

Those were secondary thoughts. The first was to get close to Angelo.

But on the other hand, isn't it a guy's job to make the first move? I mean I'm not being racist but that's what usually happens. But then again, Angelo's different.

Or maybe I'm behaving like a sappy 15 year old in love with a 20 year old.

Speaking of which, how old is Angelo?

Did I ever ask him about his age?

Well, even if I did then I have forgotten so I'll just ask him again some time later.

But then the inquisitive creature inside me tried to call it's way out and as much as I tried to control it, I just couldn't. So I grabbed my phone and called Emma.

"Hey, what's up?", she answered on the third ring.

"How old is Angelo?", I asked, cutting to the chase.

"22. Almost 23. Why?"

"Just curious"

"Or just in love?", Emma teased and I could picture her wiggling her eyebrows.

"Maybe. Where are you though?", I changed the topic.

"The back yard. Outside your window"

I got off the bed and went over to the window. I pushed the curtains away and found Emma waving like a freak from the yard. She had an axe in one hand and her cell phone squeezed between her shoulder and ear while she waved. If I didn't know her, I would've probably reported her 'cause she looked like a freaky ex girlfriend ready to kill anyone in her way.

"God, is Lucian in trouble?", I asked as I sat on the sill.

"What? Oh God, no", she chuckled.

"Then why do you have an axe in your hand?"

"We were cleaning this storage room. You should see Angelo, he has a chainsaw in his hand right now", she laughed and pointed towards her right side where Angelo might be standing.

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