Chapter 17

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There is no way in hell that I can go back to Miami even if I escape from here. Dominic killed my mom to get to me so he can even kill Chloe or Granny to get to me again. I cannot risk their lives for my safety. But where would I even go? I don't know anybody else who would help me. I could always ask Chloe to help me but I am hundred percent sure that he will ask Chloe about my disappearance first.

Maybe I could settle in some other country, away from Dominic and his people. Where I would be safe. Safe from Dominic. But I need money for that and I have no idea where will I get it from. I would get a job and work hard so that I can afford an apartment and live a simple life. Where I will have no gangster drama. But I need money for tickets, temporary place to stay and a nice job. Where would I get that from?

I twisted and turned in bed before an idea struck me. Mom had an account kept for me which had some money, I didn't know how much but I knew there was a decent amount of money. Maybe I could withdraw that money and buy a plane ticket to some other place and maybe I could even afford an apartment. I will have to contact my lawyer to withdraw the money. But if I do that then Dominic will come to know and my dreams are going to be shattered again.

I could contact Chloe and tell her to talk to my lawyer about this. She could help me withdraw the money but I wondered if it would be safe for her. Or maybe Granny would be able to help me. I would need to talk to her about this. But going back to Miami was out of the question. I couldn't go back to my old house and live there and pretend that nothing ever happened. I sighed. I would just contact Chloe later.

I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. It was about 10:30 when I woke up. I washed my face after I brushed my teeth. I quickly stripped and jumped in the shower before washing my hair and body with a shampoo and body wash. I took a quick shower before I wrapped my towel around me and made my way to my closet. I wore my undergarments and picked out a pair of blue jeans and white shirt. I wore them and started to dry my hair with a towel. I didn't use a hairdryer but simply combed my hair and let them open.

I grabbed my phone and kept it in my pocket before I went out of my room and to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I went down the stairs and through the now familiar living room which led to the kitchen. I didn't find Emma, Lucian or even Angelo in the kitchen. There was only a maid who was humming a tune while she cooked something. She probably heard my footsteps and turned around to look at me.

"Good morning, Miss Alayna", she greeted with a bow.

She was in her mid thirties and was wearing a maid dress. She was petite and had auburn hair that were pulled into a ponytail.

"Good morning", I replied back.

"Would you like some cereal?", she asked me.

"Yeah sure", I replied.

She nodded her head before she started pulling out a bowl and milk. I removed my phone and thought about texting Chloe. For some reason, I felt calling Chloe wouldn't be safe. So I just sent her a text.

'Hey...are you free?'

I thanked the maid as she kept a bowl of fruit loops on front of me and she bowed. I quickly took a spoonful of fruit loops in my mouth before my phone vibrated indicating that Chloe had texted me.

'Yes, is everything alright?'

'Yes...I need you to do me a favor'

I waited for her reply again as I stuffed some more cereal in my mouth. My phone vibrated again and I opened it to see her message.

'Go ahead'

'I want you to talk to my lawyer - Mrs. Westridge

The maid was preparing a tray of food for someone and once she was done, she bowed and took the tray leaving me alone in the kitchen.

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