Chapter 21

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"I feel fat", I muttered before collapsing on the bed. My eyelids were fluttering shut, but I forced them open.

"I think I won't be eating for days", Emma said before she too collapsed on the bed with a groan.

I nodded my head in agreement. We watched Finding Nemo and Ice Age and by the time both the movies finished, we ate the whole birthday cake, 3 bowls of Popcorn, 2 plates of Chicken and 4 cans of orange soda. My stomach was on the verge of blasting and I swear I had gained weight. I think I needed to work out. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and opened my browser page. I typed 'easiest way to burn calories' and pressed the search button. It instantly loaded into a page that provided the address to various other sides. I clicked the first one and I didn't need to wait for the page to load. Damn, these people have a fast wifi here. One of the reasons that makes me want to stay here.

I read the first line of the page and - wtf?

"Did you know that banging your head on the wall can burn 150 calories in an hour?", I raised my eyebrows as I read out the first line of the page.

"What?", Emma replied in surprise and both of us momentarily glanced at the wall in front of us before sighing. That's definitely not the easiest way to burn calories, unless I wanted to end up in the ICU.

"Nevermind. I'd rather remain fat my entire life", I concluded before I shut my eyes.

"Same. Do you mind if I go off to sleep in my room?", she asked and my eyes snapped open. Perfect time to sneak away.

"Of course not. I'm pretty tired too. I think I could use a power nap", I replied and pretended to yawn.

"Good, then I'll see you in the morning", she said before she got up and stretched.

"Um Emma? It's already morning", I said and she glanced at her watch.

"Woah! It's 4:06! No wonder I'm so sleepy", she yawned before she trotted out of my room.

Perfect. I quickly sprang off the bed and went to my closet, Okay, so I need a bag, which I do not have. So I ran to Angelo's room. The boy didn't lock his room and went into his closet and conveniently, I found his bag next to the closet. I would've spent a lot of time suspecting something wrong since I found his bag so easily, but I was pretty sure that I didn't slip up in any way.

I grabbed the bag and sprinted to my room again and stuffed a few clothes in there. I had a lot of money so buying new clothes would not be a problem. Then, I grabbed a few more essentials before zipping the bag up. I tried to make it as lightweight as possible since I wasn't so sure about how I would reach the meeting spot. I mean, yeah I could take the car but these people, for sure, are resourceful. They would somehow track me down again.

The place that we'll be meeting is a little far from here so walking is out of the option. Plus that would take a lot of time. Maybe I could take a cab. I'm late anyway. I literally jumped out of my skin when my phone vibrated in my pocket indicating that I was getting a call. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Chloe was calling me.


"Alayna! Oh my God, you're okay. I was so scared!", Chloe practically yelled on the phone.

"What happened?", I asked in confusion.

"We were supposed to meet 2 hours ago and you didn't show up! I thought those people came to know that you were planning to escape and they've locked you up or something!", she rushed out.

"No, they don't know about my escape. But something happened over here and all of them have gone to some kind of fight except for Emma, she's sleeping in her room", I answered.

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