Chapter 24

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It was getting really difficult for me to keep a straight face when I knew that the guy sitting next to me works for a murderer. I think even he had realized that something was wrong with me or maybe I was being paranoid. We had been silent since Chloe called me and I was thankful for that. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to talk after knowing who he was.

I didn't tell him that I had sent Chloe to talk to Dominic. I had, fortunately, left that part out. I actually forgot to tell him about that. A million questions swam through my head at the same time and I could feel a headache coming on.

"So what happened?", Luke suddenly asked and I jumped. I mean, we had been silent and not to mention that I was scared shitless of this guy.

"Oh um...Chloe called", I managed to mutter.

"And what did she say?", he continued and I racked my brain for an answer.

I obviously couldn't say that, 'Oh nothing! She just came to know that you are apparently kidnapping me and I'm supposed to get out of this sticky situation! Nothing too tough, right?' Instead I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"It's my grandmother. She's in the hospital", I replied without thinking. Now how the hell did my grandmother come into all of this?

"Oh shit! Why?", is he really freaking out or is he pretending to freak out for the sake of not blowing his cover?

"She had a heartattack", I replied and tried to make my voice quiver. That wasn't difficult since I was already scared as hell.

"I'm sorry", he said and I only nodded my head. Talking seemed so difficult and I tried to avoid it.

What can I do now?

That's when an idea struck me...

"Can we stop for a minute? I gotta make a phone call", I asked as bravely as I could. The good thing was that we were already outside Clinton Bay so I wouldn't really get a good network in a car that's driving on a road surrounded by woods on either sides.

"Yeah, sure. Whom do you wanna call though?", He asked as he pulled at the side of the road.

"My lawyer. I need to know what Granny left in the will. All that money will help me settle somewhere else", I answered as I reached out to open the door.

"Do you even remember her number?"

God, this guy is smart...

"Yes. When I was going to escape from Dominic, I had to learn her number so that Dominic wouldn't get all suspicious about it"

Before he could ask anymore questions, I stepped out of the car and dialed that one number that I knew all along but I didn't have the guts to call in the past month. The phone ringed and ringed as my mind went into flashback.

"You better learn this", Dom said and I groaned. This man can be so annoying.

"But why would I need to learn your number?", I whined.

"Look, you go out alone all the time and you don't have anyone's number. What if there's some problem? How will you contact me?", He said.

"I can take care of myself", I muttered.

"I know. I trust you", he said and I looked up to see genuine happiness on his face.

"Learn it. It'll give your old man some peace", he said and I sighed before learning it by heart.

Thank you so much, Dad.

I lied. I wasn't going to call my lawyer. I was going to call that one person that I ran from. That one person who could save me from all of this. My father.

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