Chapter 18

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"They are at Santa Monica Place, sir", one of Leonardo Westons' men informed him as he stood by the large glass window of his office. Running a huge gang under the name of import and export business was tough, since the cops were quite nosy in New York, but Leonardo had quite a few tricks up his sleeves, apart from owning the cops.

"Keep an eye out and don't make it look suspicious. Call me if anything happens", he replied before hanging up, without waiting for his man - Stanley to reply.

He turned away from the glass window in his conference room and faced the gentleman from different countries. He chuckled internally at the word gentleman. These men were just like him. Cruel. They imported and exported drugs and weapons, monitored different cartels all over the world, sold people - especially girls for money and what not. They all stared at him expectantly as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

"Well gentlemen, it has been found that his daughter is at the mall with two of his minions", he stated as he took a seat at the front of the conference table.

"Then why don't you tell your men to take her and bring her here?", Wang Wei, the man in control of the Chinese illegal business demanded. Leonardo rather thought of him as a coward who somehow, magically, managed to take over the entire illegal business. He was surprised when he found out that Wang Wei was a smart person. Looks can be deceiving it seems.

"Not yet, Mr Wei", Leonardo replied calmly. He had a plan. And from what information he received, he didn't think it would seem important to kidnap the girl. If the girl was trying to run away herself. He smiled sinisterly as he pictured the look on his enemies's face when he won't find his daughter. All he had to do was wait for the chaos to grow and for the girl to take up the courage and move out.

"And why would we do that?", the Arab drug dealer/billionaire demanded as he slammed his fist on the conference table. His Arabian accent wafted through the room as he said something in Arabic to his assistant, who looked rather hot. She replied something in Arabic as well before the man faced Leonardo again.
"Mr Sheikh, I believe there is a time for everything. I give you my word that I will get you your cartel, only if you support me, both now and later when I will require forces to take down his gang", Leonardo pretended to be drawn to his power as he spoke. The Sheikh was very powerful financially and had a good army. all he needed was their trust. And money. He again chuckled darkly. They were fools to think that Leonardo was doing this only to get revenge on their mutual enemy. But what he actually wanted was way more bigger than taking down his enemy. It was a jackpot. And he was going to have it. His enemy was just a good cause for it. Soon, he would be the biggest and most powerful gang leader of the entire world. The Sheikh nodded his head.

It's just a matter of time

He reminded himself as he stood up to meet the now leaving people from his conference room. He shook hands with various people and offered them assurance that he would get them their cartels. Soon. It was about time. It was time to put a stop to the growing power of Dominic.


"The mother is dead. Dominic killed her. The reason, we don't know. A little further digging into the matter will surely get us a few more answers and we have people working on it. The girl is not happy though. Our hackers have been secretly monitoring her calls but we didn't find anything good enough so they looked into her messages and this is what we found", Angelina informed Leonardo as she handed him a few sheets of neatly organized and clipped sheets of paper.

He started reading through what appeared to be a conversation between two people that was carried out through texts. He smiled darkly as he read every text that was exchanged between his enemies's daughter and her friend. Looks like the girl did have courage. Doing all this right under Dominic's nose. His job seemed even more easier now. All he had to do was pull some strings here and there and it would all be smooth. According to his plan.

"Who is this Chloe?", he asked his Personal Assistant.

"According to what we found, she seems to be the best friend of Alayna", Angelina replied without missing a beat.

"Well, then make sure she gets the money. Make sure she leaves. It is important for her to leave. I want you to get her a small job in a small town or something. Away from Los Angeles. Make sure everything seems easy for her. I do not want any casualties. Do you understand?", Leonardo explained.

"Yes sir", his assistant replied as he nodded her head before turning and leaving his office.

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He thought of the various things he could do after he took down Dominic's gang. He even planned on getting back to those kids whose parents were killed because of him. It's been a long time since he had a good talk with Emma and Angelo.


Late update, small chapter.... I'm sorry... It's been so hectic from the past few months that I hardly got time for anything.

Sorry for the small chapter... But it is surely an important part.

Please let me know if the book is getting boring. I need to know so that I don't keep updating like a stupid person.

Anyway... Do vote and comment.

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